BVAA Carbon Copies Art Show 2022 – 4th Annual!

BVAA Carbon Copies Art Show 2022 – 4th Annual!

It’s our fourth annual Carbon Copies show! The Blackstone Valley Art Association is sponsoring a delightfully fun art show all about fakes, forgeries, and parodies!

Carbon Copies – Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

This Carbon Copies show is for all BVAA members to participate in. The idea is to find a famous painting and then duplicate it! You can duplicate it exactly or you can add your own fun twist to it. You can paint a version of a Roger Fenton photo. You can stage a photo which resembles a Vermeer painting. Maybe you paint Mona Lisa as a cat.

The sky’s the limit!

It doesn’t have to be a painting. You can imitate a famous photo. Play with a historical sculpture. It’s up to you.

Note that the source art needs to be in the public domain. In general that means it needs to have been created before 1923. Art which is under copyright, after 1923, has its rights controlled by that artist. You would need to ask that artist for permission to use their work in any exhibit.

March 5th to April 30th 2022 (extended run!)

BVAA Alternatives Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

There is a TON of free parking immediately next to this building. It is fully and easily handicapped accessible.

BVAA Alternatives Uxbridge Community Art Gallery Information

Each BVAA member may exhibit up to three artworks.

Entering the Show
The entry fee for this show is FREE

Artwork can be any size. That being said, please contact us first if you plan on bringing anything over 20″ x 30″ in size. We need to arrange for space for those separately.

All art must be family friendly and properly wired for hanging. Our hanging system does not work with saw-tooth or triangle hangers. If you are new to preparing art for shows, read our page on How to Mat and Frame a Photo. Please also check out our Show Terms and Conditions. This includes all details including the 25% commission for any sales of exhibit artwork in the gallery. You may also choose to have your artwork listed as not for sale.

All art items which are entered are hung. There is no “pre-selection” process where some are accepted and others are rejected. If you submit artwork, and it is family-friendly and wired properly, it will be part of our show.

Some reading material:
Creating Art Based on Another Artist’s Work
Fakes Forgeries and Parodies – The Terms
How Easy is it to Copy a Famous Painting?
Inside the Underground World of Legal Art Forgery

To submit your entries use our BVAA Online Submission Form. The deadline to submit is midnight on Saturday, March 5th, 2022. To submit your entries use our BVAA Online Submission Form. Work must be dropped off by Saturday, March 5th, 2022 at 3pm. All work which is brought in will be hung (as long as it is properly wired and is family-friendly). If you have one, please bring along a photo of each of your source artwork items, so we can hang those alongside your artwork. That way visitors can see what you were working with. If you don’t have printouts, let us know the artist & work title and we’ll track down and print those out for you.

Judge to be announced

Opening Reception
We’ll post a video of the show during its last week!

To see what the Carbon Copies vibe is about, check out these previous shows!

Address any questions via our BVAA Contact Information

Ask with any questions! We look forward to seeing your entries!

This Uxbridge gallery is supported in part by BVAA member dues, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and by ValleyCAST. The space use is kindly donated to us by ValleyCAST, the community outreach department of Open Sky Community Services. Open Sky uses this space for special-needs client activities during daytime weekdays. They allow the BVAA use of the space – and its gallery walls – on evenings and weekends. We actively support their inclusive mission. All are welcome to all of our events and activities!

Massachusetts Cultural Council
Massachusetts Cultural Council
2022 BVAA Anything Goes Photography Show

2022 10th Annual Anything Goes Photography Show

The Blackstone Valley Art Association is sponsoring the 10th Annual Anything Goes Photography Show – this show is open to the public! All styles of cameras and cellphone images are warmly welcome!

January 8 to March 5, 2022

BVAA Open Sky Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

There is a TON of free parking immediately next to this building. It is fully and easily handicapped accessible.

BVAA Open Sky Uxbridge Community Art Gallery Information

Participation is open to the public. Each participant may exhibit up to two photos. These will be judged for cash prizes.

Entering the Show
The entry fee for the main show, open to all styles of photography, is $15/2 pieces for BVAA members and $20/2 pieces for non-members. The theme is wide open. You can submit a portrait, landscape, still life, abstract, seascape, you name it. Your imagination is the limit.

Photos can be any size. That being said, please contact us first if you plan on bringing anything over 20″ x 30″ in size. We need to arrange for space for those separately.

All photography must be family friendly and properly wired for hanging. Our hanging system does not work with saw-tooth or triangle hangers. 3M stick-on hangers are notorious for falling off – please don’t use those. If you are new to preparing photography for shows, read our page on How to Mat and Frame a Photo. Please also check out our Show Terms and Conditions

All photos which are entered are hung. There is no “pre-selection” process where some are accepted and others are rejected. If you submit artwork, and it is family-friendly and wired properly, it will be part of our show. You can have your photo listed with a price for sale, or you can have it Not For Sale if you wish.

To submit your entries use our BVAA Online Submission Form. The deadline to submit is midnight on Saturday, January 8th, 2022. Work must be dropped off by Saturday, January 8th, 2022 at 3pm. All work which is brought in will be hung (as long as it is properly wired and is family-friendly).

In the past we had a separate section for film images. This year, we will have them included in the main show judging. If you do something unusual by using film cameras or unusual techniques, please let us know in the submission form. Members love to learn about those things.

We will hang the show on Wednesday January 12th.

The judge for this show is Paul M. Murray. Here is his artist statement.

My photography remains a work in progress. I am very much a visual traveler who interacts with people, places, objects, and ideas on a variety of levels through several planes of vision that intersect with time and space. At those intersections, I may capture a moment and portray it with my implied perspective. The journeys to those intersections afford the opportunity to see, and perhaps become intrigued by what I am experiencing.

Often the story telling aspects of the photographic art form capture my attention and motivate a series of related images. Although my perspective is predominantly reality-based, I acknowledge not only the subjective nature of what I portray in my images, but an interest in pursuing at times more abstract images.

To the extent that my images enrich the experience and vision of others, I feel that I have achieved a way of communicating that is unique to me as a photographer.

Opening Reception
There will be no in-person opening reception this year. We will create a virtual tour of the show on YouTube.

There will be a photography talk online on Sunday, January 16th at 2pm with the judge. We will post links soon.

Pick Up
Saturday, March 5th, 2022, from 10am to 3pm. If you aren’t able to make that, please contact us for other arrangements.

Address any questions via our BVAA Contact Information

Ask with any questions! We look forward to seeing your entries!

You can see what this show is like by looking through:
9th Annual Anything Goes Photography Show – 2021
8th Annual Anything Goes Photography Show – 2020
7th Annual Anything Goes Photography Show – 2019
6th Annual Anything Goes Photography Show – 2018
5th Annual Anything Goes Photography Show – 2017
4th Annual Anything Goes Photography Show – 2016
3rd Annual Anything Goes Photography Show – 2015
2nd Annual Anything Goes Photography Show – 2014
1st Annual Anything Goes Photography Show – 2013

This Uxbridge gallery is supported in part by BVAA member dues, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and by ValleyCAST. The space use is kindly donated to us by ValleyCast, the community outreach department of Open Sky Community Services. Open Sky uses this space for special-needs client activities during daytime weekdays. They allow the BVAA use of the space – and its gallery walls – on evenings and weekends. We actively support their inclusive mission. All are welcome to all of our events and activities!

Massachusetts Cultural Council
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Uxbridge First Night and and Open Paint Sat 12/4/2021

Uxbridge First Night Open Paint & Art Show

If you’re interested in painting, drawing, and illustrating, we have the perfect Saturday lined up! It’ll be a great time with laughter, conversation, creativity, and the space to stretch out! It’s all FREE!

This is also Uxbridge First Night celebrations! At 4:30pm the parade starts and it goes right past our gallery. There is music, food, crafts, and much, much more. There’s even fireworks at 6pm! Come out and enjoy the day!

Open Paint 10am-6:30pm
For the entire day, it’s an open paint! All are welcome, including the public, family, and friends! It’s free! We have watercolors and acrylics on hand, or bring your own if you wish.

If the weather is nice out, visitors can also embark on an Uxbridge sketch walk. We have the maps all ready.

Saturday, December 4, 2021
10am – 6:30pm

BVAA Open Sky Uxbridge Community Art Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

Our Saturdays at the gallery include an open paint session where all styles of art are warmly welcome. Whether you’re 12 or 102, whether you’re a new beginner or a seasoned artist, we would love to have you. It’s completely free to participate in the open paint. You can bring your own paints or we’ll have watercolors and brushes to share.

There is a TON of free parking immediately next to this building. It is fully and easily handicapped accessible.

BVAA Open Sky Uxbridge Community Art Gallery Information

Feel free to show up for some or all of the day to paint. Some come for just the morning, some for the afternoon, and some for the entire time. There are several options on the same block to grab lunch if you’d like. We also bring in a pizza and those who want slices chip in a few dollars.

Our Saturday events are free, casual, relaxed, and fun! All levels are welcome.

Ask with any questions – we’d love to have you join us!

This Uxbridge gallery is supported in part by BVAA member dues, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and by ValleyCAST. The space use is kindly donated to us by Open Sky Community Services. Open Sky uses this space for client activities during weekdays. They allow the BVAA use of the space – and its gallery walls – on evenings and weekends.

Uxbridge First Night information:

Hopedale Little Red Shop

Little Red Shop Museum Hopedale MA

All are warmly welcomed! FREE! Come join us on Wednesday November 10th 2021 at 1pm as talented local artist Verne Thayer showcases how to paint the Little Red Shop Museum in Hopedale, Massachusetts!

A local historian will be present to talk with us about the background of the Little Red Shop.

This event is FREE and open for all level of painters, photographers, etc. It is supported by the Hopedale Local Cultural Council. Thank you to the Hopedale LCC!

Verne will be painting with oil paints. You’re welcome to hang out and watch as he paints, or if you want to, you can paint along! You can also simply paint anything in the area that intrigues you. You can take photos!

It’ll be a creative, relaxing celebration of the beauty and architecture of Hopedale.

The location is right on the water, so you can paint the foliage over the water, the nearby buildings, or anything else that catches your fancy.


12 Hopedale Street

Hopedale Massachusetts

Ask with any questions!

About Verne Thayer:

Massachusetts Cultural Council
Massachusetts Cultural Council

BVAA 2021 Sunflower Show Photos

Here are photos of the artwork featured in our 5th annual 2021 BVAA Sunflower Show. Let us know if we missed anyone!

This year’s sunflower show was held at our BVAA Uxbridge Gallery in Uxbridge Massachusetts. It ran from August 28, 2021 to September 25, 2021.

Here is the show on YouTube!

3D Foam Sculpture Workshop

3D Foam Core Sculpture Workshop – Oct 2021

Try something new! Think outside the box! Our October 2021 monthly BVAA meeting will be a hands-on workshop on creating 3D sculptures with black foam core! All are welcome. It’s free to participate! We will also stream this LIVE on Zoom so people can play along and chat from home.

BVAA Uxbridge Community Art Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

This meeting and workshop is free and open to the public. No experience is necessary. The fun of our workshops is that we all try new things we’ve never done before.

Our meetings cover BVAA organization business from 6:30-7:00pm and then go into the workshop part of the evening.

Ask with any questions!

Our meetings are supported in part by grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and Uxbridge Cultural Council.

Just what might a foam core sculpture look like? This image is from an exhibit Bob Collins held at the Post Road Art Center. 

Here’s one done by Danielle Redden:

A 3D foam core sculpture by Lisa Shea, then spray painted:

You can see a full 3D video of Danielle and Lisa’s sculptures in this video of the BVAA 2018 Spring Show. The sculptures are shown at 5:26 into the video:

We have the black foam core and pencils. So that part is set. I’ll bring some spray paints in case anyone wants to try that. That will be done OUTSIDE :).

What we NEED for you guys to bring if you have them, are:

  • cutting boards
  • exacto knives / box cutters
  • hot glue guns

Let me know if you have any of those things to bring along with you.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday! If you try this at home, send photos in of your results!

Here are videos from our workshop!

Young Farwell

2021 Uxbridge SketchFest Images

Thank you to all of the artists who participated in the Blackstone Valley Art Association 2021 Uxbridge SketchFest! Throughout the month of September we sketched and drew a variety of scenes around Uxbridge, Massachusetts.

Here are the artists who have chosen to participate in our online virtual show. Thank you so much to everyone who joined in!

If you prefer to watch a video version:

Details of our 2021 Uxbridge SketchFest:

7th Annual BVAA Macabre Virtual Art Show – 2021

It’s creepy and it’s kooky! Mysterious and spooky! For 2021, our 7th annual Macabre art show is going virtual!

About the Show
Spooky. Unsettling. Wisps of mists and dark shadows. Macabre brings out the fascination with the off-beat side of life.

The online submission deadline for the Macabre show is October 26th, 2021. You don’t need to use the online submission form – you can simply email the JPGs to us. You can submit up to five works. It’s open to all BVAA members. This is not a judged show so you CAN enter things you’ve entered in previous shows (including previous Macabre shows).

Virtual Reception
We’ll have our virtual reception – a premiere of the video slideshow – on October 31st at 7pm. If you aren’t able to participate online, the video will be available for watching at any point after that.

This show is Halloween. Spooky. Shadowy.

Here is the video from Macabre 2021!

Here are photos from previous years –

 Macabre Show 2016

Twisted Dolls Show 2015

We look forward to seeing your spooky work!

Here’s the video from this 2020 show!

2021 Community Tapestry Art Show

2021 Community Tapestry Art Show

The Blackstone Valley Art Association is proud to host the 2021 Community Tapestry Art Show! The public is warmly invited to participate! This show is open to all forms of artistic expression. We would love to see watercolors, acrylic paintings, oil paintings, sculptures, pottery, mixed media, drawings, pastels, photography, cyanotypes, and other forms of art.

October 23rd to November 20th, 2021

BVAA Open Sky Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

There is a TON of free parking immediately next to this building. It is fully and easily handicapped accessible.

BVAA Alternatives Uxbridge Community Art Gallery Information

Entering the Show
The theme is wide open. Any topic can be addressed as long as it is family-friendly. Artwork can be any size. That being said, please contact us first if you plan on bringing anything over 20″ x 30″ in size. We need to arrange for space for those separately.

All wall-hanging items must be properly wired for hanging. Our hanging system does not work with saw-tooth or triangle hangers. If you are new to preparing artwork for shows, read our page on How to Mat and Frame a Photo. Please also check out our Show Terms and Conditions

To submit your entries use our BVAA Online Submission Form. This show is free to participate in. Each artist may submit up to two items. The deadline to submit is October 23, 2021 at 3pm EST.

Drop Off of Works
Work must be dropped off Saturday, October 23rd between 10am and 3pm. All work which is brought in will be hung (as long as it is properly wired and is family-friendly).

Online Video
Due to COVID restrictions, we will not be having an in-person reception. We will post announcements when the online video version of the show is ready.

Pick Up
Pick up is on Saturday, November 20th from 10am to 3pm. If you aren’t able to make that, please contact us for other arrangements.

Address any questions via our BVAA Contact Information

Ask with any questions! We look forward to seeing your entries!


Here is the show!

Here are photos and videos of the previous show!

Tapestry 2018 Art Show Photos and Videos

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