As wonderful as the web is, sometimes it’s just nice to have a print version of information available. Maybe you want a one-page listing of all events to stick on your fridge or bulletin board. Maybe you’d like three-fold brochures to bring to an art event. Whatever the reason, the Blackstone Valley Art Association has print versions of its calendar available.
Note that the BVAA’s calendar year begins in September and runs through the following August. Sort of like a school year. So member dues paid in September cover you through all events up through the following August.
One Page Calendar
First, we have a one-page, one-sided calendar in PDF format. This is perfect for hanging on your fridge or bulletin board.
You can keep a copy on your smartphone for quick access to dates in places that your phone can’t get to the web.
Note that we don’t update this PDF every day. :). It usually gets updated quarterly or as we add events into it.
There is a “last updated” date on the bottom of the PDF so you get a sense of when it was last maintained. Use this calendar for general long-term planning – but be sure to check this website for any late-breaking news.
2017-2018 BVAA Calendar one-page – last updated October 31, 2017.
Three-Fold Brochure
Second, we have a two-sided, three-fold-brochure version of our BVAA yearly information. This is perfect for handing out to family and friends, for putting into Library wall displays, and for bringing along to art events. Its small size means it’s easy to tuck into a purse or pocket. It has not only our yearly calendar but also some information about the BVAA as a group.
Please consider asking at your local library if they have a place for this kind of information. Then print out a few copies – or ask for a few copies at the next BVAA meeting – and help distribute them! The more we all share information about the BVAA, the more our group grows and expands.
2017-2018 BVAA Calendar in 3-fold – last updated October 31, 2017
To see the BVAA calendar in Google, online, and other formats, visit here: