Try something new! Think outside the box! Our October 2021 monthly BVAA meeting will be a hands-on workshop on creating 3D sculptures with black foam core! All are welcome. It’s free to participate! We will also stream this LIVE on Zoom so people can play along and chat from home.
BVAA Uxbridge Community Art Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569
This meeting and workshop is free and open to the public. No experience is necessary. The fun of our workshops is that we all try new things we’ve never done before.
Our meetings cover BVAA organization business from 6:30-7:00pm and then go into the workshop part of the evening.
Ask with any questions!
Our meetings are supported in part by grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and Uxbridge Cultural Council.
Just what might a foam core sculpture look like? This image is from an exhibit Bob Collins held at the Post Road Art Center.

Here’s one done by Danielle Redden:

A 3D foam core sculpture by Lisa Shea, then spray painted:

You can see a full 3D video of Danielle and Lisa’s sculptures in this video of the BVAA 2018 Spring Show. The sculptures are shown at 5:26 into the video:
We have the black foam core and pencils. So that part is set. I’ll bring some spray paints in case anyone wants to try that. That will be done OUTSIDE :).
What we NEED for you guys to bring if you have them, are:
- cutting boards
- exacto knives / box cutters
- hot glue guns
Let me know if you have any of those things to bring along with you.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday! If you try this at home, send photos in of your results!
Here are videos from our workshop!