Inktober Art Challenge 2022

Inktober is nearly here! October 1 to 31, 2022! Who will join us?

Inktober is a great way to celebrate your creativity, no matter what you art level :). Every day, starting on October 1st, you are given a daily prompt. October 1st is “gargoyle”. You draw whatever that word brings to mind for you. Some people draw pure black ink on white paper. Other people add in color. It is wholly up to you.

Many people post their results on social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and so on, with the hashtag of #gargoyle or #inktober or so on. Others simply keep it in their sketchbook or share it with friends. It is wholly up to you how you choose to share.

Simply the act of creating every day is a great thing for your artistic journey.

If you’d like to share your art with the group, let us know! We can lend a hand!

Inktober 2021 in October 2021

October is Inktober! During the month of October, the fantastically fun Inktober celebration begins.

During Inktober, you get a theme word every day. Each day, you do a sketch / drawing / etc. representing what that word means to you. You can interpret it ANY way you want. Most people do this monochrome with black on white, but you can explore your creativity.

You then post your art on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / whatever other systems you like to use. If you don’t use any of them, send it in to the BVAA and we’ll post it on our feeds.

It’s a great way to get into a daily art habit! Ask with any questions!

Here’s the list for October 2021 from the Inktober team. Remember, one a day! Tackle the day’s theme word!

Here’s the official Inktober website, for all the details:

Hopedale Day in the Park – Sat Sep 18 2021

Hopedale Day in the Park – Sat Sep 18


Just a reminder to everyone that tomorrow Saturday September 18th 2021 WE ARE NOT IN THE UXBRIDGE GALLERY. The Uxbridge Gallery is CLOSED.

We will all be in Hopedale at the big Hopedale Day in the Park event!!

We have a booth there with panels and bins. Here are the people from our group we know are attending and maybe bringing art for those panels / bins:

Lisa Shea
Bev Tinklenberg
Carol Frieswick
Pam Siderewicz
Bob Evans
Young Farwell

If anyone else is planning on coming and/or bringing art please let us know! That way we can figure out how much art to bring each. We would love to see you there!

Here are two paintings Carol F is bringing for our panels.

Fall Fiesta 16×20 oil $250.
Indigenous Pot and Harvest 9×12 oil $225.

Bev T entered the “white tent” art show with three of her paintings. We wish her luck with winning!

Harvest Door  $325
Beach Houses  $300
Quiet Harbor $300

If anyone else has images of their art for Hopedale to share, please send them along! I’m posting them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Maybe we can drum up some sales!

We hope to see you at Hopedale this Saturday. The weather is looking good!

Have a great weekend :).


Lisa Shea & the BVAA Team

Plein Air Painting

Plein Air Painting Blackstone River State Park – Sun Apr 18 2021

This event is not run by the BVAA, but we are helping to promote it!

The Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor is holding a plein air painting event at the Kelly House on April 18th, 2021 from 1 to 4pm.

Attendance is limited so if you are interested, please sign up at

This is a “trial run” of my attempt to get a park-sanctioned plein group going. If we get past this, there would be regular park subjects painted on your schedule with possibility for promotion by the park.

If you can make this date, please sign up!

Pawtucket Arts Collaborative – Transformation – Deadline 3/31/2021

The Pawtucket Arts Collaborative is holding a show entitled “Transformation” with a deadline of March 31, 2021. The BVAA is not associated with this show – we are simply spreading the news to our artist community.

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PAC presents: TRANSFORMATION Juried Show 

April 21, 2021 through June 3rd, 2021. 

Transformation is defined as a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. Landscapes and weather transform, people transform, everything is changing all the time. For PAC’s 2021 hybrid show (online and in gallery) we invite all artists, PAC members and non-members, in all mediums*, to submit works for TRANSFORMATION
PAC understands this last year has been challenging, heartbreaking, and illuminating in many ways. Show us your TRANSFORMATIONS. Guest juror Francoise McAree will select the works and award the top prizes: $1000 for 1st Place, $500 for 2nd, and $250 for 3rd. The PAC Gallery Committee will award a $100 prize as well. 
Digital submissions will open on 2/15/21 and run through midnight of 3/31/21. Click on this link to enter:

  • Max 2 pieces. Please also send a brief artist bio to attach with your digital submission to
  • SUBMISSION FEE: PAC Members $15 for 1 entry and $20 for 2/ Non-members $20for 1 and $25for 2. Interested in becoming a member? Join or renew
  • Accepted work must be dropped off at the PAC Gallery 560 Mineral Spring Ave. Pawtucket, RI on Friday 4/16 between 4-7 and Saturday 4/17 from 10/12.
  • We ask you to include written instructions if your work has specific hanging/display needs or to consider attending the art installation on Saturday 4/17 from 12-3. 

*Some restrictions apply. 

Art Donations Needed for Shrewsbury Youth and Family Services – April 2021

Please consider donating a work of art to support a great cause! We received this message from the Shrewsbury Youth and Family Services:


I am a board member for Shrewsbury Youth and Family Services and we are holding an Art Auction on May 6th to benefit SYFS who has been so hard hit with the pandemic, both in terms of fundraising efforts and with increased demand for their mental health counseling services.  Most especially, there has been doubling of the number of children seeking their services since the pandemic, but resources are limited.

We are looking for local artists (greater Shrewsbury area) who would be interested in donating a piece of their art to this art auction.  Pieces should be submitted by April 30th.

More details can be found at  (Please note the new dates for the auction have not been updated on the website).

Thank you for any help you can give us or any other direction you can send us!



Winter 2020 #Create30Challenge with Alain Picard

Painting by Carol Frieswick

The months of January – February – March can be cold and blustery here in Massachusetts. Several of our BVAA artists are tackling that with a delightfully creative 30-painting challenge! The idea is that in the 90 days of January, February, and March 2020 you create 30 small paintings. It keeps you busy, creative, and energized!

Artist Alain Picard is coordinating this project. He’s not part of the BVAA. We BVAA members are simply participating in his project. It’s free and fun!

Here’s the details, from Alain:

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Happy New Year!

I’m so excited that you’ve accepted the challenge to create 30 paintings in 90 days with me! I want you to know that you are a part of a growing community of artists, stretching across the globe, who have said yes to the #Create30Challenge.

It’s January 1 and with this New Year comes your first day of a fresh challenge. The moment has arrived!

You are boldly facing this new season with generosity and courage by engaging your creativity in winter. I hope you’ve already got your calendar printed out and are ready to chart your creative progress! If not, just click the link below to download it now. Just a few reminders as we begin our challenge together:
• Try to keep your paintings small and colorful to inspire the senses as you build momentum in your streak.
• Mark each day that you finish a painting on your calendar until you reach 30. Try to finish about one painting every three days to stay on track.
• Use any medium you like for your daily painting.
• Be sure to show up to encourage one another by sharing your creative work online!
• Share your daily paintings on social media using the hashtag #CREATE30CHALLENGE so we can all search them easily!
• I’d love it if you would tag me when you post! @alainpicard on Instagram and Facebook.
• If you don’t use social media, consider taking a picture of your work and sending an email or text to a friend.

Today’s the day. Let’s warm the harsh winter months with color and beauty as we create something magical together. Remember, your creativity is a gift that brings hope to others!

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If anybody needs help figuring out how Instagram or Facebook work, just contact us at the BVAA and we’ll help you with those. We have a members group on Facebook where you can post things privately if you wish. If you prefer not to be on those platforms personally, it’s also fine to send your finished artwork JPGs to us at the BVAA and we can post them for you.

Have some fun, and enjoy the challenge!

Call to Artists – 53rd Annual Pembroke Art Festival – Deadline Aug 2 2020

The 53rd annual Pembroke Art Festival has a deadline of August 2nd, 2020 and is all online except maybe the very top winners which might be displayed somewhere :). 

Ah, this darn pandemic. It throws everything into disarray.

Their main rules:

All entries must be the original work of the artist, must have been created within the last Four Years, and may not have been previously exhibited in the Pembroke Arts Festival.

There is a $12.00 non-refundable fee per entry and there is no limit on the number of entries.

Full details are here:

Call to Artists – Right to Vote – Deadline Aug 8 2020

The Hera Gallery in Wakefield, Rhode Island has a call to artists on the topic of “Right to Vote”. The deadline for submission is August 1, 2020. UPDATE: The form now says August 8, 2020 so you have a few more days!!

Here are the details of the show.

Concept: Right to Vote examines artists’ perspectives on the continued importance of strengthening voting rights in our democracy. Hera Gallery seeks artwork addressing the multiplicity and diversity with which the democratic process in America is experienced.

Who decides who gets to vote? Why is the concept of one person one vote so important? Why does America have such low voter participation rates compared to other democratic nations? What does disenfranchisement and enfranchisement look like along racial, economic, gender, ethnic, religious, and environmental lines? What types of barriers exist to voting and how do these in turn affect disparate populations differently?

In conjunction with the national juried show Right To Vote, The Women’s Fund of Rhode Island will be presenting Radical Women, a collection of banners with a narrative timeline of historically significant women of Rhode Island and contemporary information about wages, women’s rights and advocacy and how these are affected by such factors as race and socioeconomic context.


For more details about this show, visit their website: