Pawtucket Arts Collaborative – Transformation – Deadline 3/31/2021

The Pawtucket Arts Collaborative is holding a show entitled “Transformation” with a deadline of March 31, 2021. The BVAA is not associated with this show – we are simply spreading the news to our artist community.

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PAC presents: TRANSFORMATION Juried Show 

April 21, 2021 through June 3rd, 2021. 

Transformation is defined as a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. Landscapes and weather transform, people transform, everything is changing all the time. For PAC’s 2021 hybrid show (online and in gallery) we invite all artists, PAC members and non-members, in all mediums*, to submit works for TRANSFORMATION
PAC understands this last year has been challenging, heartbreaking, and illuminating in many ways. Show us your TRANSFORMATIONS. Guest juror Francoise McAree will select the works and award the top prizes: $1000 for 1st Place, $500 for 2nd, and $250 for 3rd. The PAC Gallery Committee will award a $100 prize as well. 
Digital submissions will open on 2/15/21 and run through midnight of 3/31/21. Click on this link to enter:

  • Max 2 pieces. Please also send a brief artist bio to attach with your digital submission to
  • SUBMISSION FEE: PAC Members $15 for 1 entry and $20 for 2/ Non-members $20for 1 and $25for 2. Interested in becoming a member? Join or renew
  • Accepted work must be dropped off at the PAC Gallery 560 Mineral Spring Ave. Pawtucket, RI on Friday 4/16 between 4-7 and Saturday 4/17 from 10/12.
  • We ask you to include written instructions if your work has specific hanging/display needs or to consider attending the art installation on Saturday 4/17 from 12-3. 

*Some restrictions apply. 

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