
Welcome to the BVAA

Welcome to the Blackstone Valley Art Association webpage! We have been supporting arts in the Blackstone Valley since 1957. Our main gallery is in Uxbridge; we sponsor numerous shows, events, and workshops throughout the year. This website provides hundreds of pages on local art shows, art events, field trips, workshops, museum visits, and much, much more. We even have a lending library. We are warmly inclusive of all levels, backgrounds, and abilities. Feel free to contact us with any questions!

Gallery and Upcoming Events

BVAA Open Sky Uxbridge Community Art Gallery

dennis smith

This Uxbridge gallery is supported in part by BVAA member dues, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and by ValleyCAST. The space use is kindly donated to us by ValleyCast, the community outreach department of Open Sky Community Services. Open Sky uses this space for special-needs client activities during daytime weekdays. They allow the BVAA use of the space – and its gallery walls – on evenings and weekends. We actively support their inclusive mission. All are welcome to all of our events and activities!

Massachusetts Cultural Council
Massachusetts Cultural Council

2024 BVAA Sunflower Show at the Booklovers’ Gourmet

Image by Alexandra Spano

Our Eighth Annual BVAA Sunflower Show is the lucky way to enjoy golden beauty! Our Sunflower art show is held at the amazing local bookstore / gift shop / cafe Booklovers’ Gourmet.

The sunflower art show is held at the:
Booklovers’ Gourmet
72 E Main Street
Webster, MA 01570

About the Show
If there ever was a flower which symbolized glorious summertime, the sunflower is the one. Did you know that nearly all of the 70 species of sunflowers are native to North America? They can grow to be up to six feet tall and they even tilt as the sun moves so they always face it!

The Blackstone Valley Art Association is celebrating this sun-shaped delight with a sunflower show throughout the month of August at the Booklovers’ Gourmet in Webster. Come on out to appreciate the artistic visions and explore the shop’s offerings!


The submission deadline for the sunflower show is Sunday, July 28th, 2024. We have limited wall space here for 18 items sized around 16×20. The art doesn’t have to be exactly that size, but in that general range. Smaller is fine; massive 4′ by 8′ murals are not.

What we’ll do is have each member submit two JPGs of artwork via email to they’d like to include. If we get too many for the wall space we’ll do a Facebook vote. All submissions will be in the virtual version of the show.

This show is open to all BVAA members and is FREE to participate in. This is not a judged show – it is primarily a visibility and sales opportunity. We pretty much sell artwork every year we hold this show. Note that Booklovers’ Gourmet is a book and small gift shop. The art that sells tends to be in the $40-$80 range, not the $300-$500 range. That being said, feel free to enter whatever art you’d like that is sunflower-themed. You never know what will catch a visitor’s eye!

Any sales will include a 30% commission taken by the shop. The BVAA takes no commission on this show. Full BVAA terms: BVAA Show Terms and Conditions

The drop-off for the Sunflower Show is Tue July 30th and Wed July 31st between 10am-5pm. If you can’t make either date, contact Lisa Shea and she’ll arrange something. The Booklovers’ Gourmet shop will take care of hanging the items.

Public Reception
Artist’s Reception is Wednesday August 21st from 5:30 – 7pm. Invite family and friends! Share the news!

Pick-up for the show is Saturday August 31st from 12 noon to 5pm.

This show is all about sunflowers! Anything related to sunflowers is fair game. Photography, paintings, drawings, sculptures, mosaics, you name it!

Here’s a virtual walkthrough of our 2023 Sunflower Art Show –

Here’s a look at previous shows, to give you some ideas!

Photos from 2017 Sunflower Show

Photos from 2018 Sunflower Show

Sunflower Show 2019 – Image Collection

Sixth Annual Show of Hands Open Art Show 2024

The Blackstone Valley Art Association is sponsoring our sixth annual “Show of Hands” open art show! The public is warmly invited to participate in this art show! The theme is completely open. Your art can represent anything. This show is open to all forms of artistic expression EXCEPT photography / digital art. It is the counterpoint to our photography-only show in January. We would love to see watercolors, acrylic paintings, oil paintings, sculptures, pottery, mixed media, drawings, pastels, colored pencils, sketches, and other non-photographic / non-digital forms of artwork.

All levels of artists are enthusiastically encouraged to participate. This is a community show.

We award cash prizes!

August 3 to September 7, 2024

BVAA Open Sky Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

There is a LOT of free parking immediately next to this building. It is fully and easily handicapped accessible.

BVAA Alternatives Uxbridge Community Art Gallery Information

Entering the Show
The theme is wide open. You can represent ANYTHING with your art. Any topic can be addressed as long as it is family-friendly and is not photography / digital art. Artwork can be any size. That being said, please contact us first if you plan on bringing anything over 20″ x 30″ in size. We need to arrange for space for those separately.

All wall-hanging items must be properly wired for hanging. Our hanging system does not work with saw-tooth or triangle hangers. If you are new to preparing artwork for shows, read our page on How to Mat and Frame a Photo. Please also check out our Show Terms and Conditions

To submit your entries use our BVAA Online Submission Form. The fee to participate is $15 for members and $20 for non-members. You can submit up to 2 pieces for that fee. The deadline to submit the online form for labels is Saturday August 3rd at midnight.

Drop Off of Works
Work must be dropped off on Saturday, August 3rd between 10am and 3pm. Please only drop off at that specific day and time – it is when BVAA volunteers are at the gallery. All work which is brought in will be displayed in the show (as long as it is family-friendly and, if hanging on a wall, has proper wiring).

Opening Reception
The show reception will be Friday, August 9th, 2024 from 5-7. Invite family and friends – all are welcome! We tend to announce the prize winners at 6pm, right in the middle. We award cash prizes based on the amount of entry-fee money the show brings in. All the money that comes in for the show goes right back out to the people who win awards in that show.

Pick Up
Saturday, September 7th, 2024, from 10am to 3pm. If you aren’t able to make that, contact us for other arrangements.

Address any questions via our BVAA Contact Information

Ask with any questions! We look forward to seeing your entries!

Full 2024 BVAA Uxbridge Gallery Art Show Schedule

Here’s a JPG flyer for this show – please print and share!

Video from 2022’s Show of Hands art show:

Here’s the first ever Show of Hands art show in 2017 –

Thank you for the support from:

Blackstone Valley Art Association Sponsors
BVAA Creativity Workshop

July 2024 Monthly Meeting – Creativity Boosting II

Summertime is a busy time for many of our artists, so we keep our summer workshops light and fun.

The workshop will involve Carol Frieswick’s book and card set “The Artist’s Muse – Unlock the Door to Your Creativity”. There are bunches of cards with all sorts of challenges and prompts to get you thinking out of the box with your art. We’ll have watercolors, paper, and brushes on hand. If you have a preferred medium feel free to bring along your own paints, pencils, or camera. We will tackle the creative challenges with whatever we like to work with. Or, heck, if you normally work in one media, try changing over to another to see how it goes!

Our July 2024 monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 16th from 6:30-9pm.

BVAA Open Sky Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

The space is fully handicapped / disability accessible with no stairs. It is immediately next to a large free parking lot. There is a bathroom.

This meeting and workshop is free and open to the public. No experience is necessary. The fun of our workshops is that we all try new things we’ve never done before.

Our meetings cover BVAA organization business from 6:30-7:00pm and then go into the workshop part of the evening. Feel free to come for whichever half interests you the most. In general, our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month unless otherwise announced.

All are welcome – this workshop is open to members and non-members. Feel free to bring along a friend! We’d love to see you there to try some new things and explore your creativity!

Ask with any questions!

Our meetings are supported in part by grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

Blackstone Valley Art Association Sponsors
BVAA Creativity Monthly Meeting

June 2024 Monthly Meeting – Creativity Boosting I

Summertime is a busy time for many of our artists, so we keep our summer workshops light and fun.

The workshop will involve Carol Frieswick’s book and card set “The Artist’s Muse – Unlock the Door to Your Creativity”. There are bunches of cards with all sorts of challenges and prompts to get you thinking out of the box with your art. We’ll have watercolors, paper, and brushes on hand. If you have a preferred medium feel free to bring along your own paints, pencils, or camera. We will tackle the creative challenges with whatever we like to work with. Or, heck, if you normally work in one media, try changing over to another to see how it goes!

Our June 2024 monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 18th from 6:30-9pm.

BVAA Open Sky Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

The space is fully handicapped / disability accessible with no stairs. It is immediately next to a large free parking lot. There is a bathroom.

This meeting and workshop is free and open to the public. No experience is necessary. The fun of our workshops is that we all try new things we’ve never done before.

Our meetings cover BVAA organization business from 6:30-7:00pm and then go into the workshop part of the evening. Feel free to come for whichever half interests you the most. In general, our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month unless otherwise announced.

All are welcome – this workshop is open to members and non-members. Feel free to bring along a friend! We’d love to see you there to try some new things and explore your creativity!

Ask with any questions!

Our meetings are supported in part by grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

Blackstone Valley Art Association Sponsors

BVAA Carbon Copies Art Show 2024 – 6th Annual!

It’s our sixth annual Carbon Copies show! The Blackstone Valley Art Association is sponsoring a delightfully fun art show all about fakes, forgeries, and parodies!

Carbon Copies – Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

This Carbon Copies show is for all BVAA members to participate in. The idea is to find a famous work of art and then duplicate it! You can duplicate it exactly or you can add your own fun twist to it. You can paint a version of a Roger Fenton photo. You can stage a photo which resembles a Vermeer painting. Maybe you paint Mona Lisa as a cat.

The sky’s the limit!

The submitted artwork doesn’t have to be a painting. You can use digital art to poke fun at a famous photo. You can stage a model to resemble a historical sculpture. You can arrange a photo scene of Legos to mimic a Japanese woodblock. It’s up to you.

Note that the source art needs to be in the public domain. In general that means it needs to have been created before 1928. Art which is under copyright, after 1928, has its rights controlled by that artist. You would need to ask that artist for permission to use their work in any exhibit.

July 6th to August 3rd, 2024

BVAA Alternatives Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

There is a TON of free parking immediately next to this building. It is fully and easily handicapped accessible.

BVAA Alternatives Uxbridge Community Art Gallery Information

Each BVAA member may exhibit up to three artworks.

Entering the Show
The entry fee for the Carbon Copies show, open to all styles of artwork, is $8/piece or $20 for three. You can submit up to three pieces.

Artwork can be any size. That being said, please contact us first if you plan on bringing anything over 20″ x 30″ in size. We need to arrange for space for those separately.

All art must be family friendly and properly wired for hanging. Our hanging system does not work with saw-tooth or triangle hangers. If you are new to preparing art for shows, read our page on How to Mat and Frame a Photo. Please also check out our Show Terms and Conditions. This includes all details including the 25% commission for any sales of exhibit artwork in the gallery. You may also choose to have your artwork listed as not for sale.

All art items which are entered are hung. There is no “pre-selection” process where some are accepted and others are rejected. If you submit artwork, and it is family-friendly and wired properly, it will be part of our show.

Some reading material:
Creating Art Based on Another Artist’s Work
Fakes Forgeries and Parodies – The Terms
How Easy is it to Copy a Famous Painting?
Inside the Underground World of Legal Art Forgery

To submit your entries use our BVAA Online Submission Form. The deadline to submit is midnight on Saturday, July 6th, 2024. To submit your entries use our BVAA Online Submission Form. Work must be dropped off on Saturday, July 6th, 2024 between 10am and 3pm. All work which is brought in will be hung (as long as it is properly wired and is family-friendly). If you have one, please bring along a printout of each of your source artwork items, so we can hang those alongside your artwork. That way visitors can see what you were working with. If you don’t have printouts, let us know the artist & work title and we’ll track down and print those out for you.


We would love to feature previously seen fakes and forgeries to be a part of this show! It will let us demonstrate the full breadth of the fun of this process. Any previously seen art items are FREE to participate. They just won’t be judged for cash prizes. Please bring in as many of the previous items as you’d like! The more the merrier!

We are doing this as a PEOPLE’S CHOICE voting! Get your votes in!

Opening Reception
The opening reception is at the Uxbridge gallery on Friday, July 12th, 2024 from 5-7pm. Please bring a snack or drink to share! All are warmly encouraged to attend!

To see what the Carbon Copies vibe is about, check out these videos from our previous shows!

Address any questions via our BVAA Contact Information

Ask with any questions! We look forward to seeing your entries!

This Uxbridge gallery is supported in part by BVAA member dues, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and by ValleyCAST. The space use is kindly donated to us by ValleyCAST, the community outreach department of Open Sky Community Services. Open Sky uses this space for special-needs client activities during daytime weekdays. They allow the BVAA use of the space – and its gallery walls – on evenings and weekends. We actively support their inclusive mission. All are welcome to all of our events and activities!

Massachusetts Cultural Council
Massachusetts Cultural Council

The Haunt: Wedding in Deadwoodville

Here’s an amazing artistic project opportunity for all of our artists who adore the macabre and spooky side of life!

This is in from the Hopkinton Center for the Arts. It’s NOT a BVAA event. It’s just something that I knew a number of our BVAA members (including me!) would adore working on.

HCA is looking for all things weird to be showcased throughout various October 2024 events, including: “The Haunt: Wedding in Deadwoodville”. This is an interactive theater experience that is being hosted by HCA and MetroWest YMCA this October. But we need volunteers to help us bring the event to life (or death, haha)

Join us on June 23rd 2024 at 2 pm to learn how to make oddities and curiosities at your leisure throughout the summer. We are seeking items such as faux taxidermy, horror pieces, antiques, creepy clothing, dark art and more. No experience necessary! We’ll provide snacks!

RSVP Here:

The meeting on June 23rd will showcase demonstrations of different items that we’re seeking volunteers to make on their own time during the summer. Come join the “Oddities Team”! We’re “dying” to meet you!

For those interested in Plein Air Painting, Marion Buricatu will be holding a session earlier that day. Here is the link:

And finally, if you’re around on Saturday June 15th, the current exhibitor, Joseph Fontinha, will be doing a painting demonstration at 2 pm, following a reception at 1 pm. FREE!

Thank you!

Sandee Buckley
Director of Operations
Hopkinton Center for the Arts

Hot Night in the City Art Show 2024

Worcester Center for Crafts, in collaboration with ValleyCAST, has invited BVAA artists to exhibit in their Community Gallery for their annual event Hot Night in the City!

Hot Night in the City

This amazing artistic event draws in crowds of 3,000 people. Our artwork would be featured down the main hallway of the center. It is a prime opportunity for visibility and sales!

June 24 to July 26, 2024

Worcester Center for Crafts
25 Sagamore Road
Worcester, MA 01605

Each BVAA member may exhibit up to three art items. All forms of media are warmly encouraged – paintings, mixed media, photography, textiles, sculpture, and more.

Entering the Show
The entry fee for this show is $8 per piece for up to three pieces.

Note that as this is a non-BVAA-gallery show YOU CAN ENTER PIECES THAT HAVE BEEN IN PREVIOUS BVAA SHOWS. Select the works which you feel best represent you!

Artwork can be any size. That being said, please contact us first if you plan on bringing anything over 20″ x 30″ in size. We need to arrange for space for those separately.

All art must be family friendly and properly wired for hanging. Our hanging system does not work with saw-tooth or triangle hangers. If you are new to preparing art for shows, read our page on How to Mat and Frame a Photo. You may choose to have your artwork listed as not for sale.

All art items which are entered are displayed. There is no “pre-selection” process where some are accepted and others are rejected. If you submit artwork, and it is family-friendly and wired properly, it will be part of our show.

To submit your entries use our BVAA Online Submission Form. The deadline to submit your online details is midnight on Sunday, June 16, 2024. Work must be dropped off at the Worcester Center for Crafts on Saturday, June 22, 2024 from 10am to 1pm. Please do not bring in art to the gallery at other times. All work which is brought in will be displayed (as long as it is properly wired and is family-friendly).

We plan on arranging / labelling the show on Saturday, June 22 as work is being dropped off starting at 10:00 am. Please don’t be late! If you are unable to bring your work on that date, please contact us to make other arrangements on or before Wednesday, June 19.

As this show will not have a reception, and is not in our gallery, there will be NO commission on sales. The artist gets the full amount.

Judged for monetary prizes by Elaine McKenna-Yeaw, Executive Director of Worcester Center for Crafts and Cristi Collari, Director of ValleyCAST for Open Sky

Opening Reception
In lieu of an opening reception, everyone is invited to attend Hot Night in the City on Friday, July 19, from 4:00-9:00 pm. This is a free event, but you are encouraged to RSVP here:

Pick Up
Saturday, July 27, 2024, from 10am to 1pm at the Worcester Center for Crafts. If you aren’t able to make that, please contact us for other arrangements.

Address any questions via our BVAA Contact Information

Ask with any questions! We look forward to seeing your entries!


Support Local Artists!

BVAA Series Show

BVAA 6th Annual Series Art Show 2024

The Blackstone Valley Art Association is sponsoring its sixth annual Series Show! This is a fun, creative art show which celebrates the magic of creating artwork in a series.

This show is for all BVAA members to participate in. You can submit two or three artwork items as your series. They can be related to each other in any way that you wish. It’s wholly up to you to define the theme of your series.

Maybe they are all shades of blue. Maybe they’re all landscapes. Do they all involve triangles? Cows? You can mix your artwork styles. Do one photo, one sculpture, and one watercolor painting. Explore your creativity!


June 8 to July 6, 2024

BVAA / Open Sky Uxbridge Community Art Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

There is a TON of free parking immediately next to this building. It is fully and easily handicapped accessible.

BVAA Alternatives Uxbridge Community Art Gallery Information

Each BVAA member may exhibit two or three art items. These will be judged *as a series* (i.e. one prize for a whole group) for cash prizes. Note that you CAN submit items which you’ve submitted separately for judging before. This time they’ll be judged as an entire series. Also, when you submit items to this show as part of a series you CAN then submit them separately for a future show as individual items. This here is a fairly unique show in that we’re judging the art items as one coherent “group”.

Entering the Show
The entry fee for this show is $20 for two to three pieces. Note that you can’t submit just one item. This submission needs to be 2 or 3 items which relate to each other. They can be presented together if you wish, as in a triptych frame.

Artwork can be any size. That being said, please contact us first if you plan on bringing anything over 20″ x 30″ in size. We need to arrange for space for those separately.

All art must be family friendly and properly wired for hanging. Our hanging system does not work with saw-tooth or triangle hangers. If you are new to preparing art for shows, read our page on How to Mat and Frame a Photo. Please also check out our Show Terms and Conditions. This includes all details including the 25% commission for any sales of exhibit artwork in the gallery. You may also choose to have your artwork listed as not for sale.

All art items which are entered are hung. There is no “pre-selection” process where some are accepted and others are rejected. If you submit artwork, and it is family-friendly and wired properly, it will be part of our show.

Some reading material:
Stephen DiRado Photography Alzheimer’s Series
January 2019 Monthly Meeting – Photography in Series

To submit your entries use our BVAA Online Submission Form. The deadline to submit your online details is midnight on Saturday, June 8, 2024. Work must be dropped off on Saturday, June 8, 2024 between 10am and 3pm. Please do not bring in art to the gallery at other times. All work which is brought in will be hung (as long as it is properly wired and is family-friendly).

We plan on arranging / labelling the show on Monday, June 10th starting at 6:30pm. We’d love to have you join us! Please contact us in case we change the date or time.

Judge to be announced

Closing Reception
The closing reception for the show is Friday, June 28th from 5-7pm. Invite family and friends – all are welcome! NOTE NEW DATE!! JUNE 28!!

Pick Up
Saturday, July 6, 2022, from 10am to 3pm. If you aren’t able to make that, please contact us for other arrangements.

Address any questions via our BVAA Contact Information

Ask with any questions! We look forward to seeing your entries!

Full 2024 BVAA Uxbridge Gallery Art Show Schedule –
2024 Uxbridge Gallery Schedule

For inspiration, here is the video walkthrough of the 2023 Series Art Show.

For inspiration, here’s the winners of the 2022 Series Show!

May 2024 BVAA Dinner

It’s that time of year! BVAA Spring Party Time! This is when we celebrate the start of summer. We also hold elections for our officers for the 2024-2025 year, which will begin in September. Our BVAA calendar year runs from September 2024 to August 2025.

We will be holding our meeting on our regular monthly meeting date, the third Tuesday:

Tuesday May 21st 2024

Bob and Carol Evans once again set up all the details for us! Thank you Bob and Carol!

Grille 122
91 Providence Road
Whitinsville MA

We have a private room reserved for our group.

Each person can order whatever they want and will get their own bill, so it is wholly up to you what you want to eat or drink from that menu. You can order just a tea! Just a salad! There’s no up-front payments.

Please EMAIL US DIRECTLY at if you are thinking about coming. That way we can create a table count for the restaurant. You’re welcome to bring one person with you.

We would love to see you on May 21st. If you’re not able to come for any reason at all, we understand. We will miss you!

There will not be any event in the Uxbridge gallery on Tue May 21st. We will only be at the Grille 122.

Ask if you have any questions, and have a great weekend!


Lisa Shea & the BVAA Team

Spring Show 2024 Winners

Congratulations to the winners of our 2024 BVAA members-only Spring Show! The judge for this show was Carol Arnold.

Congratulations to Verne Thayer for his honorable mention for “Fall Bridge” in our Spring Show! The judge loved Verne’s use of light, the way the light hits the tree and water, drawing your eye around the landscape. The composition was lovely, and there is a great use of color. Oil painting, $1800.

Congratulations to Steve Paulson for his honorable mention with “Winter Pastoral”. Watercolor $120. The judge loved Steve’s design and perspective, with the great feeling of distance. “The fence was done so well! Not putting in every post and great variety!” Then from that fence your eye is drawn deeper and deeper into the image, with the soft colors and barely-painted-in-trees. She loved that fading-into-the-distance sense. It created a strong sense of emotion.

Congratulations to Janice Fortin for her honorable mention in the BVAA Spring Show with “Pachyderm” watercolor $75. The judge loved this painting, with its loose and free nature and playful youthful appeal. The painting resonates with joyful emotion and energy. There’s a great sense of movement and energy.

Congratulations to Claire Messier for winning third place with her pastel “Friend or Foe?”. The judge loved the skillful technique showcased in this art, with the softer background and the vivid details on the fox. The eye is really drawn in to the fox itself.

Congratulations to second place prize winner Carol Frieswick for her oil painting “Peony in Teacups” $200. The judge loved the luminous light and the skillful composition of the flower and cups. The use of color and light caught her eye from across the room – a beautiful combination of colors which complement each other quite well. It almost glows. Every petal has its own hue. Carol F commented that it was quite challenging to present the symmetry of the saucers.

Congratulations to Nancy Russell for winning first place with her watercolor and gouache painting “July”! The judge loved the gorgeous use of light and the composition with the varied non-linear background. There’s a real sense of emotion in the dog, an alert eagerness. The viewer is drawn in to wonder what the dog is looking at and what is going on – is he about to run after a stick? There are beautiful colors and nice use of lost edges / shadow so that the scene feels natural. Great light-medium-dark values.