2023 Teen Self Expression Art Show

2023 Teen Self Expression Art Show

The Blackstone Valley Art Association is sponsoring the 2023 Teen Self Expression Art Show – this art show is open to the public! All styles of teen-created family-friendly artwork are warmly welcome! FREE FOR TEENS TO ENTER!

Saturday March 4th to Saturday April 8th 2023

BVAA Open Sky Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

There is a TON of free parking immediately next to this building. It is fully and easily handicapped accessible.

BVAA Alternatives Uxbridge Community Art Gallery Information

Participation is FREE and is open to the public. The show is open to any person who is a teenager (aged 13-18). Each participant may exhibit up to three pieces of artwork. These will be judged for cash prizes.

Entering the Show
The show is completely free to enter. The artwork can be on any theme and in any medium. We have glass cases in which we can display sculptures and pottery.

Please check out our Show Terms and Conditions. Note that some of the conditions about framing and wiring do not apply to this show. If you simply wish to bring in 5×7 printed photos or artwork, that is fine, We can handle matting those for you. If you wish to bring in other forms of art that is framed and/or ready for display, that is fine too. Ask with any questions.

We should also make sure everyone sees this section of the terms: “Works submitted to the BVAA must be original work created by the submitting artist.  All entries must contain copyright-free material or material released with consent from the original source. Unauthorized use of any copyrighted images, text, or other material will not be accepted.” We know teens love to copy online art and to represent favorite movie characters. For legal reasons, this show needs to feature original art only.

To submit your entries use our BVAA Online Submission Form. The deadline to submit the online information is 3pm on Saturday, March 11th, 2023. Work should be dropped off on Saturday, March 4th, 2023 between 10am and 3pm. DUE TO SNOW WE HAVE EXTENDED TO ADD AN ADDITIONAL DROP-OFF DATE OF SATURDAY, MARCH 11th 2023. All work which is brought in will be hung (as long as it is family-friendly). If you can’t make it on either Saturday date, contact us and we’ll arrange a separate drop-off for you. We hang the show on Wednesday, March 15th.

Teens and Privacy

We understand that there is an additional layer of privacy concerns for teenagers which don’t tend to apply to our other BVAA art shows. Here are a few special adjustments for parents to be aware of.

Teens DO NOT NEED TO USE THEIR REAL NAMES on submissions and labels. They can use fake names, initials, or whatever else they wish. They can remain wholly anonymous if they wish. We do post artwork on social media to promote the show. It is up to the teen how they wish that artwork to be labelled.

We do NOT put any other artist identifying information in the show. We do not list ages, towns, genders, schools, affiliations, or anything else. The only details displayed with a piece of art is its title, the artist’s chosen display name, the medium (type of art) and its price (if for sale). That is it.

We normally take photos during receptions to promote the show. We would always ask for permission when taking the traditional artist-with-their-artwork photo of a teen.

Ask with any questions!

The teen self expression show awards ribbons based on the number of entries received.

Opening Reception
The opening reception for the show is Friday, March 17th 2023 from 5-7pm. NOTE THE NEW DATE DUE TO THE SNOW! Invite family and friends – all are welcome!

Pick Up
Saturday, April 8th, 2023, from 10am to 3pm. If you aren’t able to make that, please contact us for other arrangements.

Address any questions via our BVAA Contact Information

Ask with any questions! We look forward to seeing your entries! It’s great to think outside the box for this show.

To get some ideas, here is information about the 2022 Teen Show!

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