3rd Annual Uxbridge SketchFest – September 2020

The BVAA Uxbridge SketchFest is back for its third year! We normally hold these in the late spring but the Pandemic interfered this year. After waiting a few months in the hopes that we could do this in person, we have decided it’s safest to do it virtually. So grab your pads of paper, pencils, and pens, for it’s SketchFest time!

Here’s the plan.

Sometime between September 1st and September 30th, head out to your favorite locations in Uxbridge. Make sketches of whatever catches your eye. Send them into us at info@bvaa.org. Each person can send us up to two sketches. Please have the last JPGs in to us by midnight on September 30th. Participation is completely FREE!

We will make a virtual gallery of the sketches and also a YouTube virtual presentation! We’ll share all the beautiful artworks for the entire community to enjoy!

All ages and abilities are warmly encouraged to participate. This is open to the public!

Here is Dennis Smith’s great map of wonderful locations in Uxbridge. Click on it to get a larger version along with details about each location. This is a starting point. You can make your sketches anywhere in Uxbridge.

Dennis Smith Map of Great Sketching Locations


What Is A Sketch?

Just what is a sketch? We’re glad you asked!

For the sake of our SketchFest, a sketch is a quick representation of a scene done with pen or pencil on paper. It can then be colored in with colored pencil or watercolors. Here’s a beautiful example done by Pamela Siderewicz of a lawyers’ office building on Uxbridge Common.

Pamela Siderewicz – Uxbridge Common Building

At our 2019 in-person Uxbridge SketchFest we had the amazing Laura Sfiat from the Urban Sketchers Boston group come guide us through sketching. Here is one of Laura’s examples (not of Uxbridge) which provides a few details about how she works.

Laura Sfiat City Sketcher Boston

Here’s Laura’s website which has all sorts of great information and advice:


Here’s a video of the afternoon session with Laura, which focused more specifically on portrait sketching.

Ask with any questions, and we look forward to seeing your beautiful sketches!

Here are some of the sketches we received:

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