BVAA Series Art Show 2020

The Blackstone Valley Art Association is sponsoring an art show which celebrates the magic of creating artwork in a series.

This show is for all BVAA members to participate in. You can submit from two to five artwork items as your series. They can be related to each other in any way that you wish. It’s wholly up to you to define the theme of your series.

You can mix your artwork styles. Do one photo, one sculpture, and one watercolor painting. Explore your creativity!

September 2020


Entering the Show
Since this is a virtual show, entries should be emailed to us at by the deadline of midnight Sunday September 13, 2020. You can email from 2 to 5 items. This is open to all active BVAA members.

Ask with any questions! We look forward to seeing your entries!

One thought to “BVAA Series Art Show 2020”

  1. I don’t have standard crops on anything. What are your display requirements (dimensions), so that I can submit images that won’t have to be cropped.

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