July 2018 Monthly Meeting – Boosting Creativity II

Our July 2018 monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 17th from 6:30-9pm at the Uxbridge Community Gallery, 5 South Main Street, Uxbridge, MA.

This meeting and workshop is free and open to the public. No experience is necessary. The fun of our workshops is that we all try new things we’ve never done before.

The topic of this hands-on workshop is:

Topic: Boosting Creativity II
Moderator: Lisa Shea

Our meetings cover BVAA organization business from 6:30-7:00pm and then go into the workshop part of the evening.

This workshop will be a fun adventure. We’ll have a number of different items on hand for you to work with. You can play with whatever one you want. You could also bring paints / etc. to create in your own way.

We will have:

These are the boards which are a solid color, often black, and then you scratch away that top surface with an Xacto blade. This reveals the color or colors beneath. The owl in the banner is an example of this style. Please bring an Xacto blade if you have one.

We will have a collection of calligraphy pens – both the cartridge style and the dip-in-ink style – for you to explore with. We have four different books on calligraphy and several of us are familiar with calligraphy. We’ll show you how it’s done!

Illuminated Letters
These are the lovely initial-caps letters which are often at the start of a calligraphy manuscript. They also can be standalone works of art. We’ll have predone letters you can trace or you can be inspired by those to draw your own styles. You can then watercolor in the colors.

Japanese / Chinese calligraphy
I have a Japanese / Chinese calligraphy kit with two brushes. I can show you how it works and then people can take turns creating lovely letters.

String Art
String art is a ton of fun! You’ve probably seen the photos we’ve been posting from our workshops. If you’ve missed them, stop on by tonight to give it a try!

Monoprints are a mindful, meditative way of creating one-of-a-kind works of art. You do your “painting” – usually a abstract – on a Gelli plate with is a flat surface. Then you press a piece of paper onto it to create that painting. It lifts off much of the ink but not all. Then you can do a second work on the Gelli plate based on that left behind paint.

All are welcome – this is open to members and non-members. Feel free to bring along a friend! We’d love to see you there to try some new things and explore your creativity!

Ask with any questions!

Our meetings are supported in part by grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

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