BVAA and the Milford Town Hall Concerts

Start planning ahead! Anne McNevin has wondrously arranged for a collaboration between the BVAA and the Milford Town Hall Concerts. We are to showcase art at each one! You can see their schedule below. The first show is on November 14th! We’ll put out more details as we get in closer to that date.

The Clavin Hill Symphony Orchestra Concerts


Nov 14th – Rogues Rascals Rapscallions Show

Daniels Farm Plein Air Winners

From Carol:
I would like to thank everyone who participated in our first plein-air event. Also a big thanks to all that helped with the weekend’s event. Food for goodies, set up and take down, all takes a lot of work and many hands make the work lighter.  Good news we made enough money to pay all expenses (ALWAYS A TREASURERS CONCERN). I think everyone involved will agree it was a great weekend.

The awards went as follows—
1st place – Bev Tinklenberg
2nd place – Rick Cardoza (previous President of BVAA)
3rd tie between Pam Siderewicz and Carole Plante
honorable mention Janet Iacovelli (first painting ever) and Carol Frieswick.

If anyone has suggestions for the next plein-air event please let me know. We need all the help we can get to make these a success.

Thanks again.

Carol Frieswick

Plein Air Weekend – A Few Seats Left!

We’ve got just a few seats left for our fantastic plein-air weekend at Daniel’s Farm in Blackstone! Please share the news!

The Schedule:
Fri Sep 4th – plein-air workshop lead by award winning David Lussier and his wife Pam.
Sat Sep 5th – paint out featuring the Blackstone Valley area’s waterway and countryside.
Sun Sep 6th – David will provide a quick critique of the works done, then a public art show!

Full Details and Application Form


Milford TV Show 2015-2016 schedule

A reminder of our Milford TV 2015-2016 schedule. Each show runs for two months and has a theme. These shows are free to participate in – bring as many works as you want, in whatever sizes you want. They’ll find a way to get them to fit :).

Sep-Oct – Blackstone Valley
Nov-Dec – Small Gifts for Gift Giving
Jan-Feb – Black and White
Mar-Apr – Green
May-Jun – Florals
Jul-Aug – Summer

The reception / drop-off is always the last Thursday of the month before the show begins. So August 27th is the drop-off for the Sep-Oct Blackstone Valley show as well as the reception for the just-about-to-end Water/Fairs/AmusementParks show. Artists then take their works home with them at the end of the reception. We all bring food & wine to share and guests are warmly welcome!

If you can’t make it on that last Thursday, just give the Milford TV Station a call. They’re open a wide range of hours on most days. Let them know when you’d like to come in and they’ll help you figure it out. It’s fine to bring in works on subsequent days. They’ll get them in to the show somehow. They’re quite flexible!