Luke MacNeil and Laura Cenedella Workshops Sat Apr 24 2020

Our Saturday, April 25th, 2020 lineup is amazing! Set your alarm and enjoy a day of relaxing creativity! Free!

Luke MacNeil 10am – 1pm


Luke is absolutely amazing with his talents with Photoshop, Lightroom, and Affinity. Come on by and watch his 3-hour workshop on all sorts of cool techniques and tips. Ask him questions live.

One of the fun things he’ll cover is how to create this awesome dispersion technique. Add some fantasy to your images!

Let us know what else you’d like him to talk about!

Hang out and chat, work along with him, and enjoy your Saturday morning!

Ask with any questions 🙂

Laura O. Cenedella 1pm – 3pm


Come join Laura in her studio for an amazingly fun paint session! You can just watch and chat or you can paint along! Use oil paints or acrylic paints, your choice. This session is all about the relaxing palette knife style. With this, you’re moving thick sections of paint around. You don’t need a palette knife. You can use a straight-edged kitchen knife, a credit card, or anything else that is reasonably thick. Be creative!


Artist Oil Color and Acrylic Artist Color or Comparable:
white, yellow ochre, light yellow, red, blue

· Grey Pad Disposable Paper Palette/Plate anything
· oil: Impasto Mediums/ Walnut oil/ drying medium or Acrylic: impasto medium
· Mineral spirits/ Water for acrylic
· Paper towels
· Brushes for Oil or Acrylic Painting
· A can or jar for mineral spirits/water
· A bag for trash
· A clip to clip your trash bag to your easel or tripod
· An easel or paint box
· Canvas Artist Board or Paper

Anything else you may be comfortable to use.

Ask with any questions. Free, open to the public, and relaxing fun!

Laura’s event runs here:

Virtual Online Art Lessons with Luke MacNeil Dennis Smith and Laura Cenedella 4/18/2020

FREE Virtual Online Art Lessons!

Saturday April 18, 2020

In the morning from 10-12 Luke will present a fascinating look at different ways to create art – even “paint” – using your computer. He’ll explore Affinity, a software program that lets you paint with your computer. It has a free 90-day trial so you can test it out.

From 12-1 Dennis Smith will show us how to use GarageBand on an iPad. This amazing software lets you create your own musical background for your painting videos, or just for fun.

From 1-3 talented artist Laura O. Cenedella will do a live painting session, showing you how to paint a beautiful forsythia still life with watercolors, pen and ink. Perfect for spring! You can paint with any medium you want, of course. You’ll get to see her at-home studio and ask questions! It’ll take place on her Facebook page.

Join us for a day of fun and creativity!

Morning Session Location with Luke MacNeil:

Midday session location with Dennis Smith:

Afternoon Session Location with Laura Cenedella:

Virtual Online Art Lessons with Luke MacNeil and Laura Cenedella 4/11/2020

FREE Virtual Online Art Lessons!

Saturday April 11, 2020

In the morning from 10-1 Luke will present a fascinating look at different ways to create art – even “paint” – using your computer. He’ll explore Procreate and Photoshop, two well-known programs that let you use different brushes, colors, and textures to create art right on your computer.

From 1-3 talented artist Laura O. Cenedella will do a live painting session, showing you how to paint a beautiful daffodil still life with oil paints. Perfect for spring! You can paint with any medium you want, of course. You’ll get to see her at-home studio and ask questions! It’ll take place on her Facebook page.

Laura’s Supply List, if you want to match her painting:

Supply List:
Paint Colors:
Artist White
Titanium White
Yellow Ochre
Ultra Marine Blue
Drying Medium
Impasto Mediums/ Walnut Oil

Brushes- ( Oil Painting )
1 Inch
1/2 Inch

Paper Towels
A Can or Jar for Mineral Spirits
A Palette Knife for Mixing or for Cleaning your Palette
A Bag for Trash
A Drop Cloth
An Easel or Paint Box
Canvas Artist Board
And Anything Else You are Comfortable Using.

Join us for a day of fun and creativity!

Morning Session Location with Luke MacNeil:

Afternoon Session Location with Laura Cenedella:

Virtual Online Art Lessons with Luke MacNeil and Laura Cenedella 4/4/2020

FREE Virtual Online Art Lessons!

Saturday April 4, 2020

In the morning from 10-1 Luke will present a great walkthrough of how to use Lightroom to enhance your photos. Now is the perfect time to expand your LIghtroom skills! Plus he’ll show you how to use your PC to run a Facebook Live session. It’s a bit trickier than using a cellphone, but Luke has it down to a science. And there’ll be live music, too! Amazing!

Luke will be doing this from his full home studio, which has amazing sound. So be sure to stop in and watch!

From 1-3 talented artist Laura O. Cenedella will do a live painting session, showing you how to paint this nautical scene with oil paints! You’ll get to see her at-home studio and ask questions! It’ll take place on her Facebook page.

Laura’s Supply List:

Supply List:
Paint Colors:
Artist White
Titanium White
Yellow Ochre
Ultra Marine Blue
Drying Medium
Impasto Mediums/ Walnut Oil

Brushes- ( Oil Painting )
1 Inch
1/2 Inch

Paper Towels
A Can or Jar for Mineral Spirits
A Palette Knife for Mixing or for Cleaning your Palette
A Bag for Trash
A Drop Cloth
An Easel or Paint Box
Canvas Artist Board
And Anything Else You are Comfortable Using.

Join us for a day of fun and creativity!

Morning Session Location with Luke:

Afternoon Session Location with Laura Cenedella:

Virtual Online Art Lessons with Luke MacNeil and Laura Cenedella 3/28/2020

FREE Virtual Online Art Lessons!

Saturday March 28, 2020

In the morning from 10-1 Luke MacNeil will be available for everything you’ve always wanted to know about Lightroom. It’s wholly free. Join us on Facebook to watch him live and chime in with what you want to learn about!

From 1-3 talented artist Laura O. Cenedella will do a live painting session, showing you how to paint this beautiful scene with oil paints! You’ll get to see her at-home studio and ask questions! It’ll take place on her Facebook page.

Supply List:

Paint Colors:
Artist White
Yellow Ochre
Ultra Marine

Impasto Mediums/ Walnut Oil
Drying Medium
Mineral Spirits

Brushes- ( Oil Painting )
1 Inch
1/2 Inch

Paper Towels
A Can or Jar for Mineral Spirits
A Palette Knife for Mixing or for Cleaning your Palette
A Bag for Trash
A Drop Cloth
An Easel or Paint Box
Canvas Artist Board

And Anything Else You are Comfortable Using.

Join us for a day of fun and creativity!

Luke MacNeil 10-1 –

Laura O. Cenedella 1-3 –

Beautiful Blackstone Valley Art Show Reception – Fri Mar 20 2020 5-7pm

Drone photography by Bob Evans

This is a virtual presentation of the “Blackstone Valley” themed art show, coordinated by the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor and the Blackstone Valley Art Association. It was showcased in the Linwood Mill Complex in Whitinsville, Massachusetts in March 2020.

Artists featured are:

James Hunt / Dock, Blackstone Canal Fall 2016 $350
Bonnie Frederico / Swan in Flight $750
Linda Nelson / Millbury Bike Path $60
Linda Nelson / Slater Mill $60
Beverly Tinklenberg / Casualty of the Blackstone $250
Carol Frieswick / A Fallen Treasure $125
Carol Frieswick / Blackstone Marsh $125
Carol Frieswick / Birding House $125
Carol Frieswick / Plummer’s Landing $125
Bob Evans / Millville Lock $50
Bob Evans / Blackstone River and Mount Wachusett $50
Brandi Van Roo / Village Congregational Church $40
Lisa Shea / Sutton Sunset $30
Libia Goncalves / Fun at River Bend Farm $60
Bob See / Sutton Gazebo $60

Contact us for information about buying originals or prints of these artworks.

Here’s the online party on YouTube:

Virtual Online Art Lessons with Lisa Shea and Laura Cenedella 3/21/2020

FREE Virtual Online Art Lessons!

Saturday March 21, 2020

In the morning from 10-1 Lisa will do an online demo of Gelli Plates with her new tripod so it’s steady :). You can paint along in the Gelli style, or paint whatever you want to paint and just chat while we work. It’ll be relaxing and lovely!

From 1-3 talented artist Laura O. Cenedella will do a live painting session, showing you how to paint this lighthouse with oil paints! You’ll get to see her at-home studio and ask questions! It’ll take place on her Facebook page.

Laura’s Supply List:
M.GRAHAM&Co. Artist Oil Color and Acrylic Artist Color or Comparable
White, Yellow Ochre, Red, Blue
· Grey Pad Disposable Paper Palette
· Impasto Mediums/ Walnut oil/ drying medium
· Mineral spirits/Water
· Paper towels
· Brushes for Oil or Acrylic Painting
· A can or jar for mineral spirits/water
· A palette knife for mixing or for cleaning your palette
· A bag for trash
· A clip to clip your trash bag to your easel or tripod
· An easel or paint box
· Canvas Artist Board or Paper
Anything else you may be comfortable to use.

Join us for a day of fun and creativity!

Morning Session Location:

Afternoon Session Location with Laura Cenedella:

March Monthly Meeting POSTPONED

The March Monthly Meeting including the demo with talented watercolor painter Ray Andreotti has been POSTPONED.

Originally it was to be held Tuesday, March 17th at 6:30pm.

Due to Coronavirus concerns we are postponing this meeting.


We will look into doing a virtual meeting where people can paint or sketch from home and chat virtually while we do it.

We’ll let you know when we reschedule this.

Thank you for your understanding!

Art Pick Up Only Sat 3/14/2020


Due to the current health situation with the COVID-19 / Coronavirus in Massachusetts, we will *** NOT *** be holding our open paint at the Uxbridge Gallery on Saturday, March 14th, 2020.

The gallery space will be open so that those artists who need to pick up photo-show artworks can stop in to retrieve them.

Contact with any questions or to coordinate with Lisa about when you will stop by.

Be Healthy!

Our gallery and events are supported by the local cultural councils, Open Sky, and ValleyCAST.

February 2020 Monthly Meeting – Critique

Open Critique Session

Since February can sometimes be snowed out, we use this month for a session which is casual. We all bring in our latest works or images and then offer each other suggestions and advice. You can bring the works in in person or bring JPG images on a thumb drive for us to view on a laptop. You can bring in paintings, drawings, or sculptures. Whatever you wish! It’ll be fun, relaxed, and conversational.

Our February 2020 monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 18th from 6:30-9pm.

BVAA Open Sky Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

This meeting and workshop is free and open to the public. No experience is necessary. The fun of our workshops is that we all try new things we’ve never done before.

Our meetings cover BVAA organization business from 6:30-7:00pm and then go into the workshop part of the evening. Feel free to come for whichever half interests you the most. In general, our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month unless otherwise announced.

All are welcome – this workshop is open to members and non-members. Feel free to bring along a friend! We’d love to see you there to try some new things and explore your creativity!

Ask with any questions!

This Uxbridge gallery is supported in part by BVAA member dues, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and by ValleyCAST. The space use is kindly donated to us by ValleyCast, the community outreach department of Open Sky Community Services. Open Sky uses this space for special-needs client activities during daytime weekdays. They allow the BVAA use of the space – and its gallery walls – on evenings and weekends. We actively support their inclusive mission. All are welcome to all of our events and activities!

Massachusetts Cultural Council
Massachusetts Cultural Council