Image by Betty Havens
Our Third Annual BVAA Sunflower Show celebrates the sunny beautiful flower! The art show is in conjunction with a stunning lush garden of sunflowers out front of the Booklovers’ Gourmet.
The sunflower art show is held at the:
Booklovers’ Gourmet
55 E Main St
Webster, MA 01570
About the Show
If there ever was a flower which symbolized glorious summertime, the sunflower is the one. Did you know that nearly all of the 70 species of sunflowers are native to North America? They can grow to be up to six feet tall and they even tilt as the sun moves so they always face it!
The Blackstone Valley Art Association is celebrating this sun-shaped delight with a sunflower show throughout the month of August at the Booklovers’ Gourmet in Webster. Our show complements the stunning garden of live sunflowers which the bookstore is famous for. Come on out to admire the live flowers, appreciate the artistic versions, and explore the shop’s offerings!
The submission deadline for the sunflower show is Monday, July 22nd, 2019. We have limited wall space here for 20-25 items so what we’ll do is have each member submit one JPG of an artwork via email to info@bvaa.org they’d like to include. If we get too many we’ll do a Facebook vote. This show is open to all BVAA members and is free to participate in. This is not a judged show – it is primarily a visibility and sales opportunity. Any sales will include a 25% commission taken by the shop. The BVAA takes no commission on this show. Full BVAA terms: BVAA Show Terms and Conditions
Here’s the current list of what we have, both on Facebook and here on this website:
The drop-off for the Sunflower Show is either Tuesday, July 30th or Wednesday, July 31st between 10am-6:30pm. If you can’t make either date, contact Lisa via the info@bvaa.org email and she’ll arrange something. The Booklovers’ Gourmet shop will take care of hanging the items.
Public Reception
The reception will be 2-4pm on Saturday, August 10th at the Booklovers’ Gourmet in Webster. Invite family and friends!
Pick-up for the show is Saturday, August 31st, any time during their open hours.
This show is all about sunflowers! The Booklovers’ Gourmet is well known for their beautiful sunflower garden, which will be in full bloom during the show’s run.
News Clippings from the 2017 Sunflower Show
Photos from 2017 Sunflower Show
Hi Lisa, I am working today and am not able to make it to book lovers gourmet. If you happen to be there could you pick up my painting? If not i’ll Call to make arrangements for the upcoming week. Thank you