International Draw a Bird Day April 8 2019

What a fantastic holiday! Monday, April 8th, 2019, is International Draw A Bird day.

This holiday found its source in 1943 when a young girl in England was cheering up her uncle, a war veteran. To distract him from his worries, she asked him to draw her a bird. The rest is history! Together we all draw birds and celebrate the beauty of life.

In the image above, the leftmost three images are done by Bonnie Frederico. The three on the right are by Frank Robertson. Both artists are amazingly talented. Those images are part of our current Series show at the Uxbridge gallery and are available for sale. Stop on by the gallery and take a look in person!

We’d love to see your bird images for Draw A Bird day. Email them to us, post them as comments, or post them on our social media sites! Join in the birding celebration!

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