Mike Zeis – Rusty Door 4×5 film photography

It’s like gazing at clouds, looking at the back door of Pearl Art and Craft Supply in Central Square, Cambridge. Over time, stickers collected on the door. Then, probably through a store-manager’s edict, they were removed. Pearl was a three-story art-supply store in Central Square, Cambridge. I believe Blick occupies the space now. Shot with a 4 by 5 view camera, made in the mid ’80s from a kit from Fader Photo Works. Similar kits were offered by Bender Photographic.

This shot was taken in the Boston Public Garden during World Wide Pinhole Photography Day 2006. Click for a larger version.

Below is the full photo before cropping. Film: Fujifilm Velvia 100. Click for larger version. The final image is the bottom-right square.

After sanding and finishing the wooden pieces, assembly begins. Click for a larger version.


To see more of Mike Zeis’s images visit:


Here are photos from the Blackstone Valley Art Association Anything Goes Reception 2019 where this photo was showcased.

This video has Mike Zeis explain how his 4×5 film camera works –

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