Plein Air Mailing List for BVAA Members

Summer’s here and the time is right for plein air painting! The challenge is gathering up friends to go with you when the day finally dawns with golden sunshine. That’s why the BVAA is creating a plein air specific mailing list!

To join the list, just send an email to Bob Evans at – he is the keeper of the list. Let him know which email address you’d like to add to it.

You can of course unsubscribe whenever you wish.

Any time any member of the group is thinking about going on a plein air outing, they simply send an email message out to the group. The whole group will get the alert. Then people can respond back if they’re interested, and an adventure is on the way.

If you have any questions at all, please contact Bob. He’ll let you know the list name and how to use it when he adds you to it.

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