This press release came via ArtsWorcester. We’re already losing Our Lady of Mount Carmel, above. Let’s not lose two churches in a row.
Call for Art: Show Us Your Notre Dame
DEADLINE: Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Artists, here is a chance to win a significant cash prize and document our city’s living history! Please lend your talents to the effort to save the former church of Notre Dame des Canadiens downtown, slated for demolition within weeks—or at least, save its soul. An online, non-juried, and immediate exhibition will bear witness to this beautiful landmark building and fuel efforts to save it. Ten prizes of $250 each will be awarded by a group of Worcester’s leading art professionals.
The organizers seek artwork that conveys the beauty of Notre Dame, envisions how it could be repurposed to become the crown jewel of Worcester, and documents what may be its last hours–or the beginning of its new life.
This is urgent: they need your images or video by Wednesday, May 30. Send them your visual art, dance, music, poetry or prose, conceptual or performance art, anything that can be photographed or recorded and submitted electronically for us to upload to the exhibition website.
Bring your camera, your instrument, your sketchbook to Notre Dame this week, and let your art speak truth to power. Notre Dame itself is now fenced and off-limits, so artists must work from public vantage points (sidewalks, Worcester Common, Worcester Public Library).
Artwork must be submitted as a high-resolution jpg or video to savenotredame2018@gmail.com by Wednesday, May 30 at 6pm. Please include your name, youth/student status (if applicable), the medium, title (if there is one), and the day and time you made the piece. We will upload your work into the online exhibition in real time. By submitting images, you give permission for Save Notre Dame Alliance to use them for publicity purposes.
Jim Welu, Juliet Feibel, Luis Fraire, and Honee Hess will award ten cash prizes of $250 each, including youth/student prizes. These prizes are funded by visionary citizens who see Notre Dame as art and believe that art can help save it. The winners will be announced at a public event within a week after the submission deadline passes.
All artists are eligible to participate, regardless of where they live or previous experience. We encourage participation by children and student artists, amateurs and professionals!
Please share this call widely. New England is already watching what we do with Notre Dame. Help us all see this special place through your eyes, and bear witness to this moment in our city.
The Save Notre Dame Alliance thanks ArtsWorcester, the Sprinkler Factory, Worcester Center for Crafts, and WICN for their collaboration and support.
For further information: