BVAA 21st Annual Spring Show – April 1979

A blast from the past! Here’s the three-fold program from the Blackstone Valley Art Association’s 21st Annual Spring Show, held April 15th through April 20th, 1979. This was held at the Blackstone-Millville Regional High School in Blackstone, Massachusetts.

Mrs. Marilyn Niteson sang and played piano on Sunday afternoon. The Messengers sang on Friday evening!

There were 166 items of artwork including watercolors, oils, acrylics, pastels, graphic arts, quilts, crochet, vases, and sculptures. Note that there was NO photography at all in 1979 :).

There’s some names in here that we still recognize. Michael Graves, quite famous for his landscapes. Inez Gornall. What other names do you recognize in here? Let us know!

Click on either image to get a larger version. We have a binder with the originals if you’d like to take a look!

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