Sept 2017 – Mixed Media: Painting with Permanent Ink and Watercolor

Our September 2017 monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 19th from 6:30-9pm at the Uxbridge Community Gallery, 5 South Main Street, Uxbridge, MA.

This meeting and workshop is open to the public.

The topic of this hands-on workshop is:

Mixed Media: Painting with Permanent Ink and Watercolor
Instructor: Kris Occhino

Here are the examples of the style of the images we will be creating. The one on the right is the actual image we’ll be doing.

Here’s Kris’s bio:

Kris Occhino Biography (PDF)

Here’s the supplies we will be working with:

• Waterproof black ink. Such as: Yasumoto waterproof liquid sumi ink, Higgins waterproof Black magic ink.
• Pen to dip in ink OR whittle the end of a stick to a point. I like this option best.
• Watercolor paints*, brushes, palette, roll of paper towels, two plastic containers for water.
• 11” x 15” sheet of Arches 140 lb. cold-press or rough paper. (Quarter sheet.)
• Board to attach your watercolor paper to. I use a ½” thick Gatorboard. or see your framer.
• Roll 1” wide white artist’s tape to tape paper to board OR binder clips to clip paper to board.

* Paint colors: Quinacridone Gold (or raw sienna) , Quinacridone Burnt Orange (or burnt sienna), Cadmium Yellow Light Cadmium Red, Alizarin Crimson (or Quinacridone Rose), French Ultramarine Blue, Winsor Blue Red Shade (Thalo Blue).

SUPPLY NOTE: If you have your own supplies, that’s great! If you don’t, we will have supplies available for you at the workshop. Just be sure to indicate on the registration form whether you need supplies or not.


Preparing For the Workshop

Here’s the four images which, when connected together, create the final version.

Click on each one for a full-sized version to save to your hard drive and then print. Once all four are printed, cut each one out and tape the center and edges together. Use a 2B pencil to trace the major shapes of the image with tracing paper. Transfer the line drawing onto a quarter sheet of Arches 140 lb. cold-press or 140 lb. rough paper.

There are three different ways you could transfer the line drawing to the 140lb paper.

1) If you have some, use carbon tracing paper. Be sure to use carbon NOT colored transfer paper. The colored stuff is waxy and will act as a resist.
2) If you have one, you could use a light box. Put your 140lb plain paper on top of the image and both on the light box. You’ll be able to see the lines through the paper.
3) The cheap way – simply tape the 140lb paper on top of your line drawing onto a sunny window. Use the sunlight to let you see what to trace.

PREPARATION NOTE: We realize some people will find this stage challenging, if they’ve never done this before. If you’re just not able to create a line drawing on a 140lb sheet of paper, don’t worry. We will have line drawings available at the workshop for people to start from. Please just let us know on the registration form if you’ll need help with this step. It’s fine to say you’ll attempt it and then to email us later to let us know if your attempt was successful or not :). We want to ensure all levels of artists are able to participate!

Please use our online registration form to let us know you’re attending:

BVAA Registration Form

Here’s an example tracing done by Donna Manley, to show one way to do the tracing.

Photos from the workshop:

Kris Occhino 2017 Workshop Photos

One thought to “Sept 2017 – Mixed Media: Painting with Permanent Ink and Watercolor”

  1. I will not need any supplies and will have the drawing ready. Thank you for all the work you have done to prepare us for a fabulous first night.

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