Film vs Digital 2016


Thank you to Dennis Smith for inspiring this fun project!

The idea is for our BVAA artists to send in up to five each of digital and film images. Let us know which are which. All images must be in to us by Monday, October 31, 2016.

The film images should be as near straight-from-the-camera as possible. No photoshopping beyond simple contrast and brightness.

On the digital side, anything goes. You can try various techniques to try to make the image look “filmy.”

We’ll mix them all up, shake them around, and then put them on our website.

Everyone then has to guess which ones are digital and which ones are film.

The more unusual the better! Can you create strange light-leak and flare effects from your digital camera, using PhotoShop? Can your film image reach HDR levels?

We’ll find out!

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