Daniel’s Farm Art Show with Claflin Hill 2016


On September 11, 2016, the Blackstone Valley Art Association will once again team up with the fantastic Claflin Hill musicians to create an afternoon of art and music.

The wonderful event will take place at Daniel’s Farm in Blackstone, Massachusetts. It’s in conjunction with a farmer’s market, too! The farmer’s market runs from 11am to 3pm. There’s a grill for fresh food to eat from 11:30 to 2:30pm.

There are even house and grounds tours by docents!

The musical part of the day runs from 3-5pm.

We’re planning on being there from 10am to 5:30pm. Drop off before 10:30 and pick up by 5:30 to be part of the art show. Several of us are going to bring easels and paint. We’ll also have a picnic and get some group photos. Bring some flowers for the table to add ambiance! We’d love farm themes / Blackstone themes for the images but if you don’t have anything that matches bring what you can. Two per person so we all fit. Bin work sells well – bring some of that and bins, if you have any. We’ll share them. It is wholly FREE for BVAA members to participate in this show. Sales have the traditional 20% BVAA commission.

Please let us know if you’re intending on coming so we can plan out the panels! Please use the online submission form to submit your titles and prices – we intend to create labels for this show’s display.

For more information on Daniel’s Farm, including directions:


Come on out!

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