Minutes of BVAA Meeting Tuesday 19Apr2016

Minutes of BVAA Meeting  April 19, 2016


The Canal District Art Walk will take place every third Tuesday from 5:00-9:00. The artist must be present and, preferable, demonstrating their art. Preferred size is one side at least 24” wide. No photography.


The Milford TV changeover to florals for May and June is 4/28/16 from 6:00-8:00.


The last Claflin Symphony of the season is 4/30. Drop off is 4/28 and 4/29 from 5:00-7:00 and pickup is 5/1 from 8:00-10:00am


The Annual Meeting/Dinner/Election of officers is 5/17/16. Main dishes will be ordered from Oliva’s ($10-12 per person) with appetizers and desserts provided by attendees. Members are asked to email info@BVAA with what they will be bringing.


The Plein Air class is 5/21/16. A $25 deposit is required to secure a spot.


The Sutton Art Festival is 6/4/16 from 9:00-4:00. We will have bin art and 2 booths – one for plein air and one for other member’s art. e


Amazing Things will be contacted to secure a date for next year’s Spring show. The works will be on display for a month.


Members were asked for ideas for demonstrations and programs for next year’s meetings. If there is no input we might have to cut down to 5 meetings similar to the past operation.


Al Weems presented a comprehensive workshop on photographing artwork.

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