**See website for complete list and details of upcoming Calls to Artists**
• Pam Siderewicz announced that 3 pieces were sold at the February 6th Claflin Orchestra show.
The next Claflin show is 2/6. Help is needed for set up (2/5, 5-6:00pm) and take down
(2/7, 8-10:00am)
• Choco l’Lat/People’s Choice show. Drop off is 2/11 from 9-2:00. Pick up is 2/20 from 9-12:00. Reception is 2/13. We are looking for donations of chocolate. Carol Frieswick and Judy Belden offered to contact known donors. Pam will ask Marie Cafferty to solicit other donations.
• Pam will contact Amazing Things in Framingham and Judy Belden will contact the Hopedale Community House as a possible spaces for the Spring show.
• The Premier Image show is coming up. Drop off is 3/10-12. Reception is 3/24 from 6-8:00.
• Carol Frieswick announced that we have received 3 grants
– The Blackstone Council in conjunction with the Claflin concerts
– From Sutton for the Plein Air event at Daniels Farm. Will be looking into other farms as well.
– Northbridge Cultural Council
• Judy Belden gave a presentation on night photography
• Bob Evans gave a demonstration and then offered hands-on of abstract oil and ink photography.