July 2019 Monthly Meeting – Boosting Creativity II

Creativity II

Summertime is a busy time for many of our artists, so we keep our summer workshops light and fun.

The workshop will involve Carol Frieswick’s book and card set “The Artist’s Muse – Unlock the Door to Your Creativity”. There are bunches of cards with all sorts of challenges and prompts to get you thinking out of the box with your art. We’ll have watercolors, acrylics, pastels, paper, and brushes on hand. If you have a preferred medium feel free to bring along your own paints, pastels, pencils, or camera. We will tackle the creative challenges with whatever we like to work with. Or, heck, if you normally work in one media, try changing over to another to see how it goes!

Our July 2019 monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 16th from 6:30-9pm.

BVAA Alternatives / Open Sky Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

This meeting and workshop is free and open to the public. No experience is necessary. The fun of our workshops is that we all try new things we’ve never done before.

Our meetings cover BVAA organization business from 6:30-7:00pm and then go into the workshop part of the evening. Feel free to come for whichever half interests you the most. In general, our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month unless otherwise announced.

All are welcome – this workshop is open to members and non-members. Feel free to bring along a friend! We’d love to see you there to try some new things and explore your creativity!

Ask with any questions!

Our meetings are supported in part by grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

June 2019 Monthly Meeting – Creativity I

Creativity I

Summertime is a busy time for many of our artists, so we keep our summer workshops light and fun.

The workshop will involve Carol Frieswick’s book and card set “The Artist’s Muse – Unlock the Door to Your Creativity”. There are bunches of cards with all sorts of challenges and prompts to get you thinking out of the box with your art. We’ll have watercolors, acrylics, pastels, paper, and brushes on hand. If you have a preferred medium feel free to bring along your own paints, pastels, pencils, or camera. We will tackle the creative challenges with whatever we like to work with. Or, heck, if you normally work in one media, try changing over to another to see how it goes!

Our June 2019 monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 18th from 6:30-9pm.

BVAA Alternatives / Open Sky Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

This meeting and workshop is free and open to the public. No experience is necessary. The fun of our workshops is that we all try new things we’ve never done before.

Our meetings cover BVAA organization business from 6:30-7:00pm and then go into the workshop part of the evening. Feel free to come for whichever half interests you the most. In general, our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month unless otherwise announced.

All are welcome – this workshop is open to members and non-members. Feel free to bring along a friend! We’d love to see you there to try some new things and explore your creativity!

Ask with any questions!

Our meetings are supported in part by grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

May 2019 Monthly Meeting – Spring Pot Luck

Annual Spring Pot Luck Dinner!

Our monthly meeting for May is traditionally our “end of year” pot luck dinner. This is when we vote on incoming officers for the upcoming 2019-2020 season and celebrate all the fun art we’ve done.

We will be holding this year’s spring pot luck at the Alternatives Whitinsville location! This is a beautiful mill complex right alongside the Mumford River. We will be using the River View Room which is in the second floor of the theater building.

Our May 2019 monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 21st from 6:30-9pm.

Alternatives Whitinsville Theater
Riverview Room / Second Floor
50 Douglas Road
Whitinsville, MA

We will be catering the “core” of the meal from Oliva’s, which we have used in the past. We will be bringing in salad, bread, pasta, meatballs, and that sort of thing. We ask each attendee to please bring in an appetizer, dessert, or drink to share. If you’re not a fan of Italian food or have special dietary requirements, feel free to bring a main dish to share and we’ll make sure you get your portion first.

The BVAA will be partially subsidizing this dinner. Each attendee’s share is $5. This pot luck is open to paid BVAA members and one guest each.

Please let us know by Saturday, May 18th at midnight if you’re able to attend! You can bring your money with you to the event.

From 6:30pm – 7pm we will do our BVAA business. This involves voting in officers for the upcoming year. Then from 7pm on we’ll have the meal and party.

We would love to have you attend! Please let us know if you’re planning on coming, and what you’re thinking about bringing!

Thank you so much to Alternatives for allowing us the use of this beautiful space!

Alternatives is part of the Open Sky network:



April 2019 Monthly Meeting – Pastels

Ella Delyanis teaches at the Worcester Art Museum in oils and pastels. She will be leading a demonstration on pastels for us!

To learn more about Ella, visit:

Ella Delyanis Website

Our April 2019 monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 16th from 6:30-9pm.

BVAA Alternatives / Open Sky Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

This meeting and workshop is free and open to the public. No experience is necessary. The fun of our workshops is that we all try new things we’ve never done before.

Our meetings cover BVAA organization business from 6:30-7:00pm and then go into the workshop part of the evening. Feel free to come for whichever half interests you the most. In general, our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month unless otherwise announced.

All are welcome – this workshop is open to members and non-members. Feel free to bring along a friend! We’d love to see you there to try some new things and explore your creativity!

Ask with any questions!

Our meetings are supported in part by grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

March 2019 Monthly Meeting – Sue Dion Painting


Originally this workshop was supposed to be a hands-on demo with Gamblin Paints and Products, but they cancelled at the last minute.

Thankfully, talented art instructor Sue Dion was available!

Our March 2019 monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 19th from 6:30-9pm.

BVAA Alternatives / Open Sky Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

This meeting and workshop is free and open to the public. No experience is necessary. The fun of our workshops is that we all try new things we’ve never done before.

Our meetings cover BVAA organization business from 6:30-7:00pm and then go into the workshop part of the evening. Feel free to come for whichever half interests you the most. In general, our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month unless otherwise announced.

All are welcome – this workshop is open to members and non-members. Feel free to bring along a friend! We’d love to see you there to try some new things and explore your creativity!

Ask with any questions!

Our meetings are supported in part by grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

Photos from this event:

Sue Dion Art Workshop


February 2019 Monthly Meeting – Critique

Open Critique Session

Since February can sometimes be snowed out, we use this month for a session which is casual. We all bring in our latest works or images and then offer each other suggestions and advice. You can bring the works in in person or bring JPG images on a thumb drive for us to view on a laptop. You can bring in painting or photography, drawings or sculptures. Whatever you wish! It’ll be fun, relaxed, and conversational.

Our February 2019 monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 19th from 6:30-9pm.

BVAA Alternatives / Open Sky Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

This meeting and workshop is free and open to the public. No experience is necessary. The fun of our workshops is that we all try new things we’ve never done before.

Our meetings cover BVAA organization business from 6:30-7:00pm and then go into the workshop part of the evening. Feel free to come for whichever half interests you the most. In general, our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month unless otherwise announced.

All are welcome – this workshop is open to members and non-members. Feel free to bring along a friend! We’d love to see you there to try some new things and explore your creativity!

Ask with any questions!

Our meetings are supported in part by grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

January 2019 Monthly Meeting – Photography in Series

Photography in Series

You’ve probably heard the advice from countless galleries. Shows work well when they involve a series of related images. What are some ways to do that? This workshop involves talks from Mike Zeis (shown above), Bob Evans, James Hunt, Al Weems, and perhaps a few others. Learn more about how to work with a series.

Our January 2019 monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 15th from 6:30-9pm.

BVAA Alternatives / Open Sky Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

This meeting and workshop is free and open to the public. No experience is necessary. The fun of our workshops is that we all try new things we’ve never done before.

Our meetings cover BVAA organization business from 6:30-7:00pm and then go into the workshop part of the evening. Feel free to come for whichever half interests you the most. In general, our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month unless otherwise announced.

All are welcome – this workshop is open to members and non-members. Feel free to bring along a friend! We’d love to see you there to try some new things and explore your creativity!

Ask with any questions!

Our meetings are supported in part by grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

Mike Zeis
Here’s a link to a series-themed show by Mike Zeis –

Open Paint and Forgery – Jan 5 2019

If you’re interested in painting, drawing, and illustrating, we have the perfect Saturday lined up! It’ll be a great time with laughter, conversation, creativity, and the space to stretch out! It’s an open paint! All are welcome, including the public, family, and friends! It’s free!

You can drop off for our upcoming photography show. You can also practice for the show after that, which is all about creating forgeries of famous works of art!

If the weather is nice out, visitors can also embark on an Uxbridge sketch walk. We have the maps all ready.

Saturday, Jan 5, 2019
10am – 3pm

BVAA Alternatives Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

Our Saturdays at the gallery include an open paint session where all styles of art are warmly welcome. Whether you’re 12 or 102, whether you’re a new beginner or a seasoned artist, we would love to have you. It’s completely free to participate in the open paint. You can bring your own paints or we’ll have watercolors and brushes to share.

There is a TON of free parking immediately next to this building. It is fully and easily handicapped accessible.

BVAA Alternatives Uxbridge Community Art Gallery Information

Feel free to show up for some or all of the day to paint. Some come for just the morning, some for the afternoon, and some for the entire time. There are several options on the same block to grab lunch if you’d like. We also bring in a pizza and those who want slices chip in a few dollars.

Ask with any questions – we’d love to have you join us!

BVAA Carbon Copies Art Show – Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery


The Blackstone Valley Art Association is sponsoring a delightfully fun art show all about fakes, forgeries, and parodies!

Carbon Copies – Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

This show is for all BVAA members to participate in. The idea is to find a famous painting and then duplicate it! You can duplicate it exactly or you can add your own fun twist to it. You can paint a version of a Roger Fenton photo. You can stage a photo which resembles a Vermeer painting. Maybe you paint Mona Lisa as a cat.

The sky’s the limit!

Note that the source art needs to be in the public domain. In general that means it needs to have been created before 1923. Art which is under copyright, after 1923, has its rights controlled by that artist. You would need to ask that artist for permission to use their work in any exhibit.

March 1 – March 30, 2019

BVAA Alternatives Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

There is a TON of free parking immediately next to this building. It is fully and easily handicapped accessible.

BVAA Alternatives Uxbridge Community Art Gallery Information

Each BVAA member may exhibit up to three photos. These will be judged for cash prizes.

Entering the Show
The entry fee for this show is $8/piece for up to three pieces.

Artwork can be any size. That being said, please contact us first if you plan on bringing anything over 20″ x 30″ in size. We need to arrange for space for those separately.

All art must be family friendly and properly wired for hanging. Our hanging system does not work with saw-tooth or triangle hangers. If you are new to preparing art for shows, read our page on How to Mat and Frame a Photo. Please also check out our Show Terms and Conditions. This includes all details including the 25% commission for any sales of exhibit artwork in the gallery. You may also choose to have your artwork listed as not for sale.

All art items which are entered are hung. There is no “pre-selection” process where some are accepted and others are rejected. If you submit artwork, and it is family-friendly and wired properly, it will be part of our show.

Some reading material:
Creating Art Based on Another Artist’s Work
Fakes Forgeries and Parodies – The Terms
How Easy is it to Copy a Famous Painting?
Inside the Underground World of Legal Art Forgery

To submit your entries use our BVAA Online Submission Form. The deadline to submit is midnight on Saturday, Feb 23rd, 2019. Work must be dropped off by Saturday, Feb 23rd, 2019 at 3pm. All work which is brought in will be hung (as long as it is properly wired and is family-friendly). Please bring along a photo of each of your source artwork items, so we can post those next to your artwork. That way visitors can see what you were working with.

We will hang the show on Wednesday February 27th from 4-6pm. We’d love to have you join us!

Judge to be announced

Opening Reception
The opening reception for the show is Friday, March 1st, 2019 from 4-7pm. Invite family and friends – all are welcome!

Pick Up
Saturday, March 30th, 2019, from 10am to 3pm. If you aren’t able to make that, please contact us for other arrangements.

Address any questions via our BVAA Contact Information

Ask with any questions! We look forward to seeing your entries!

Carol Arnold Oil Painting Class – January 2019

NOTE: This class will focus on still life. Bring what you’d like to paint and your light and Carol will see you there!

Oil paint has been the medium of choice for a wealth of famous painters. Leonardo da Vinci. Claude Monet. Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Paul Cezanne. There is just something spectacular about the beauty of oil paint which captures the eye and the imagination.

Whether you’re a raw beginner or an experienced painter, this oil painting class will take you to the next level. It’s full of personal hands-on advice and a warm, welcoming atmosphere!

Talented painter Carol Arnold teaches a monthly oil painting class at the BVAA Alternatives Uxbridge Community Gallery! Carol is a member of Richard Schmid and Nancy Guzik’s Putney Painters! All levels of painters are welcomed with open arms. The focus will be on drawing, edges, values and color. These are areas which a beginner can practice and an advanced student can hone to perfection.

Carol makes these classes fun and inspiring, while supporting you to the next level of your growth!

This monthly class meets on the first Thursday of every month from 6-9 pm.

The maximum class size will be 10 students, to ensure plenty of hands-on time for each one.
If there are only 1 or 2 students registered for a class, the class will be cancelled.
If there are 3 or 4 students, each student pays $20/hr for the class = $60 total.
If there are 5-10 students, each student pays $15/hr for the class = $45 total.

Invite your friends! Share the news! The more students which attend, the less you pay and the more fun it is to learn from each other.

Thursday, January 3, 2019
6pm – 9pm

BVAA Alternatives Uxbridge Community Gallery
5 South Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

There is a TON of free parking immediately next to this building. It is fully and easily handicapped accessible.

BVAA Alternatives Uxbridge Community Art Gallery Information

This class is open to the public. It is open to all ages and to all levels of painting ability.

Please make sure you register beforehand so we know how many to expect. Carol will send you a supply list to get you started.

To register, please make sure you email: carol@carolarnoldfineart.com

To learn more about Carol Arnold and to view her painting gallery:


Follow Carol on Facebook!

Carol Arnold Fine Art on Facebook