May 2019 Monthly Meeting – Spring Pot Luck

Annual Spring Pot Luck Dinner!

Our monthly meeting for May is traditionally our “end of year” pot luck dinner. This is when we vote on incoming officers for the upcoming 2019-2020 season and celebrate all the fun art we’ve done.

We will be holding this year’s spring pot luck at the Alternatives Whitinsville location! This is a beautiful mill complex right alongside the Mumford River. We will be using the River View Room which is in the second floor of the theater building.

Our May 2019 monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 21st from 6:30-9pm.

Alternatives Whitinsville Theater
Riverview Room / Second Floor
50 Douglas Road
Whitinsville, MA

We will be catering the “core” of the meal from Oliva’s, which we have used in the past. We will be bringing in salad, bread, pasta, meatballs, and that sort of thing. We ask each attendee to please bring in an appetizer, dessert, or drink to share. If you’re not a fan of Italian food or have special dietary requirements, feel free to bring a main dish to share and we’ll make sure you get your portion first.

The BVAA will be partially subsidizing this dinner. Each attendee’s share is $5. This pot luck is open to paid BVAA members and one guest each.

Please let us know by Saturday, May 18th at midnight if you’re able to attend! You can bring your money with you to the event.

From 6:30pm – 7pm we will do our BVAA business. This involves voting in officers for the upcoming year. Then from 7pm on we’ll have the meal and party.

We would love to have you attend! Please let us know if you’re planning on coming, and what you’re thinking about bringing!

Thank you so much to Alternatives for allowing us the use of this beautiful space!

Alternatives is part of the Open Sky network:


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