James Hunt Photographer

Small Stones Prep: Taking Photos of Paintings

The Small Stones art festival 2023 is coming up soon! This is an art show for photography and paintings. The submissions of JPG images of the art is all done online. Judges then look through those JPG images in order to decide what will be allowed into the physical show at the Grafton Library.

Usually this submission process is fairly easy for photographers. Photographers are generally fairly good at turning their images into JPG files for submission.

Often, though, this process is much more challenging for painters. A painter might be really talented at creating an oil painting on canvas of a woman’s face. It might be much harder for that painter to figure out how to take a great photograph of their painting, with the right lighting and focus, so that the resulting JPG file showcases well for the judges.

We are here to help!

Award-winning photographer James Hunt has kindly volunteered to take photos of BVAA members’ paintings for FREE for the Small Stones festival. The 2023 Small Stones festival allows each artist to submit up to 4 pieces of art. Each accepted physical piece can be a maximum of 26 inches (including frame) on its longest side. Full Small Stones art show requirements:

Small Stones Art Show

Here are the details of what James Hunt is offering for our BVAA photo shoot.

When: Saturday, July 22nd 2023 from 1-3pm
Where: BVAA Uxbridge Art Gallery, 5 South Main St., Uxbridge MA

James provides this information:

  • We can photograph up to four images (typically paintings or drawings, two-dimensional art only).  It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.
  • The maximum size for any image is 26″ framed, though we won’t photograph the frame.
  • Image will be color and exposure corrected in post, cropped to the edge of any framing.  Images will be sized according to the Small Stones Festival specifications (maximum 4500 pixels on the long edge).
  • Jpeg images will be sent to you via Dropbox only, the next day.  You don’t need a Dropbox account, just email.
  • Hopefully your work can lie flat!!!
  • No charge, no do-overs!

Thank you so much to James for volunteering to help out our painters! To learn more about James and his photography, be sure to visit:


Ask with any questions!

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