It’s creepy and it’s kooky! Mysterious and spooky! For 2022, our 8th annual Macabre art show is both in person and virtual!
About the Show
Spooky. Unsettling. Wisps of mists and dark shadows. Macabre brings out the fascination with the off-beat side of life.
The online submission deadline for the Macabre show is Wednesday, October 26th, 2022. You don’t need to use the online submission form – you can simply email the JPGs to us. You can submit up to five works for the virtual show. It’s open to all BVAA members. This is not a judged show so you CAN enter things you’ve entered in previous shows (including previous Macabre shows).
The In Person Show
We have our Diversity show reception on Friday October 28th 5-7, and then the gallery is open its normal 10-3 hours on Saturday October 29th. So we’ll have stand-up panels in the gallery for those TWO DAYS ONLY for the Macabre special event. Bring in 1-2 items for the panels. There will just be a few panels up, so we want to have room for everyone. You can bring them with you Friday if you want and then pick them up any time after Saturday afternoon. No rush. The in-person show is just a highlight to …
The Video
Sometimes when we make a video show, we have each artist talking about their motivations behind making the images. Many of our viewers love learning the inspiration and techniques. With Macabre being such an atmospheric topic, we’re going to try two things.
First, the main video we release for the reception with be a “moody” version. It will have a soundtrack and the images showing one by one. It will be something you could have going in the background at a spooky dinner to add ambiance.
Then, separately, for each artist who wants to, we will create individual videos of the artists talking about how they staged a scene, or set up the lighting, or why they were inspired, or so on. These are very popular with our fans and help us all build our skills. So the ‘talking workshop’ versions will still be available for those who are interested.
I suppose, thirdly, if any artist likes doing videos and wants to make their own moody take on their art, and send that video to us, we would be happy to include that as well! The more macabre the better!
Virtual Reception
We’ll have our virtual reception – a premiere of the video slideshow – on Thursday October 27th at 8pm to kick off the Halloween weekend. If you aren’t able to participate online, the video will be available for watching at any point after that.
This show is Halloween. Spooky. Shadowy.
Here’s the video from our 2022 Macabre art show!
Here are photos from previous years –
We look forward to seeing your spooky work!
Here’s the video from this 2020 show!
Here’s the video from the 2021 Macabre show –
Be sure to also watch Dennis Smith’s super-spooky video –