Welcome to the beauty of Mendon, Massachusetts!
Thanks to the Mendon Cultural Council, the Blackstone Valley Art Association was able to create a celebration of art and beauty centered on various locations in Mendon including the historic Unitarian Church and Southwick’s Zoo. We have workshops on oil painting, photography, watercolors, sketching, pencil, and much more.
We are also holding a virtual art contest! Submit up to five artworks you have created which feature the town of Mendon. The art can be painting, photography, sculpture, you name it! Send the JPGs to info@bvaa.org to participate, along with your name. Please submit your entry by December 31, 2020. All levels and abilities are warmly encouraged to participate! We’ll create a slideshow of all the entries and select the winners!
Here are some videos featuring Mendon to get you inspired.
Here’s the full playlist of videos for the Mendon Celebration of Art – 24 in all! This playlist starts with Verne’s workshop and then goes through the rest of them.
We’d love to hear your feedback on the video workshops. Get out and enjoy Mendon!