To explore the changes our Earth is undergoing, we are holding an art show on the theme of Climate Crisis. All interpretations in all media are warmly encouraged.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
— Margaret Mead
We had originally intended to hold this show in the Uxbridge Art Gallery over Earth Day in April, but due to the pandemic we have instead adjusted this show to be an online-only show held in June.
This Climate Crisis show is for all BVAA members to participate in. Art can be in any media in any size. We look forward to seeing your interpretations of this important topic!
June 2020
Online on our BVAA pages on Facebook and YouTube. Milford TV also runs our videos.
Each BVAA member may exhibit up to five artwork images. There is NO FEE and NO JUDGING. This show is for publicity and exposure. If you enter artwork in this show, you can still enter it in any future BVAA show.
All art must be family friendly.
All art items which are entered are included. There is no “pre-selection” process where some are accepted and others are rejected. If you submit artwork, and it is family-friendly, it will be part of our show.
To enter, check your latest BVAA newsletter. We have the entry information in there. The deadline to get your JPGs to us is Sunday, June 7th, 2020. We will then coordinate with you about the narration for the images.
Opening Reception
The opening reception date will be Thursday, June 25th at 6pm! The video will go live both on YouTube and Facebook on that date. Here is the YouTube link!
Address any questions via our BVAA Contact Information
This Uxbridge gallery is supported in part by BVAA member dues, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and by ValleyCAST. The space use is kindly donated to us by ValleyCast, the community outreach department of Open Sky Community Services. Open Sky uses this space for special-needs client activities during daytime weekdays. They allow the BVAA use of the space – and its gallery walls – on evenings and weekends. We actively support their inclusive mission. All are welcome to all of our events and activities!