Carol Arnold Plein Air Oil Painting Class – Aug 7 & 8 2019

Talented painter Carol Arnold teaches a monthly oil painting class – and August is a truly special treat! Carol is a member of Richard Schmid and Nancy Guzik’s Putney Painters. All levels of painters are welcomed with open arms. The focus will be on drawing, edges, values and color. These are areas which a beginner can practice and an advanced student can hone to perfection.

Carol makes these classes fun and inspiring, while supporting you to the next level of your growth!

This monthly class usually meets on the first Thursday of every month from 6-9 pm. But for August, Carol has created a truly special opportunity. She is opening up her home in Northbridge. She has flowers, stone walls, woods, a maple sugar shed, and much, much more. You’ll get hands-on personal attention from a master!

$60 per day. You can come either day or both.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019 9am-noon
Thursday, August 8, 2019 9am – noon

Carol’s home in Northbridge. Details will be sent to those who register.

This class is open to the public. It is open to all ages and to all levels of painting ability.

Please make sure you register beforehand so we know how many to expect. Carol will send you a supply list to get you started.

To register, please make sure you email:

To learn more about Carol Arnold and to view her painting gallery:

Follow Carol on Facebook!

Carol Arnold Fine Art on Facebook

Carol’s Recommended Supply List:

White or light colored umbrella (optional)
Gamsol odorless mineral spirits in a large can half full
Brushes…a variety of large and small. 

I use Rosemary & Co brushes, you can purchase my set here.

Viva paper towels
Bag for dirty paper towels
Lead or oil primed linen or boards 14×18 or 16×20 is a good size
Pallet knife

Oil paints:

Rembrandt colors:
   Ultramarine blue deep
   Cobalt blue light
   Transparent Oxide Red
   Transparent Oxide Brown
   Cadmium lemon

Winsor and Newton colors:
   Alizarin permanent 
   Cadmium yellow deep
   Cadmium yellow pale
   Yellow Ochre Pale

   Phtalo green
   Permanent Alizarin

   Terra rosa

Le Franc: 
   Titanium white   

Please use professional quality supplies, it will minimize problems when you paint.

About Oil Painting:

Oil paint has been the medium of choice for a wealth of famous painters. Leonardo da Vinci. Claude Monet. Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Paul Cezanne. There is just something spectacular about the beauty of oil paint which captures the eye and the imagination.

Whether you’re a raw beginner or an experienced painter, this oil painting class will take you to the next level. It’s full of personal hands-on advice and a warm, welcoming atmosphere!

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