Foxboro Open Paint 5/18/2019

A message to share with our membership, from Jack Gannon, President of the Foxboro Art Association.

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I had mentioned during our last meeting that the Artist’s Studio & Gallery at Patriot Place (Foxboro, MA in the shadows of Gillette Stadium) has scheduled a Paint Out for Saturday May 18th 1-5pm.  Artists painting along-side one another.  Artists from all of the surrounding communities (and from the communities represented within this distribution list) are welcome to participate.

Patriot Place is doing their annual Street Art Festival (a chalk art festival managed by the Foxboro High School students) that same day, so there will be many spectators checking out the artwork and it is a great opportunity to gain exposure.

No cost to attend the Paint Out.  Bring your easel and supplies.  And bring something to anchor down your easel in the event of a little wind (empty gallon jug you can fill w/ water while at the art gallery along with a small rope or a bungy cord).  Artists will be both inside and outside the art gallery painting that day.  And you can bring a finished painting to display so the spectators can not only see what you are painting, but can also see what a finished product looks like.  And if you have not yet seen our art gallery, it is a great space in a great location and may be one of the largest local-artist art galleries on the east coast.

You are welcome to share this with your membership.  The more artists attending, the more fun the event will be.

In the event of rain, artists can check the Patriot Place website to see if the Street Art Festival has been rescheduled.  The Paint Out will be held the same day as the Street Art Festival.

Patriot Place is on Rt. 1 in Foxboro surrounding Gillette Stadium.  Park in Lot 23 and walk up between Davios and Bar Louie, turn left into the marketplace, and then right at Dunkin Donuts.  The art gallery is across from Splitsville Bowling and Howl at the Moon Pub and next to Red Robin.  Or, if Lot 23 is full, you can park in front of the movie theatre, go in the movie theatre front entrance, up the escalator, follow the walkway to the end.  Once outside turn left at Dunkin Donuts and we are three doors down on the right.

Hope to see you there!


Jack Gannon

President, Foxboro Art Association

Founder & Manager, Artist’s Studio & Gallery at Patriot Place

Founder & Manager, ART Room Today

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