Southgate Art Show Bid – Submit by Dec 14 2018


The Southgate Retirement Community in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts is the ultimate in living experiences. They host curated art shows and their grounds have a wealth of high quality art on display.

This is a free opportunity for BVAA members to be part of a show at Southgate. We must submit a show proposal to be considered. Their current open spots are March 2019 and June 2019. The show would run for three months. We need to gather up the JPGs of the art we would have in our show along with a show statement for them to consider. They handle all hanging, the reception, and so on.

If you’re interested in participating, it is FREE. Send along JPG images of 1-2 of your artworks. They would need to be wired for hanging on a standard hanging system. Please send those images by Friday, December 14th midnight. That way we can assemble a show based on their space available and the artists who wish to participate. Send that to

The theme for this show is FLORAL.

Here are some photos from Carol Frieswick’s show at Southgate, to get a sense of the space available.

Here’s a link to Southgate’s webpage, so you can see just how nice it is.

We are checking on what the commission would be for sales.

Ask with any questions!

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