Rain, Rain Go Away


The forecast is for solid rain all weekend long – and thunderstorms Sat morning exactly when the Jo Ellen sketching workshop would be at River Bend Farm. We don’t want anyone driving through thunderstorms!

We are POSTPONING both the River Bend Farm sketch event on Saturday and also the Blackstone Gorge watercolor event on Sunday.

The gallery will still be open Saturday from 10am to 3pm. If the weather is safe where you are, come on out. If it’s at all dangerous or thundery, please stay home. Again, don’t worry about the Show of Hands art show drop-off. It’s fine to drop items off next weekend. Please stay safe. If the rain happens to ease off and you want to come in and paint with me, that’s fine. If it’s too rainy, stay home and paint at home. We can post photos for each other on Facebook and Instagram as we work on things :). That could be fun. A virtual paint group.

Ask with any questions. I’ll let everyone know when we figure out a new date for the two events.

Have a great weekend!


Lisa Shea & the team at the BVAA

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