Minutes – 2018-02-20 Meeting

Here are our minutes from our February 20, 2018 meeting. The meeting was a critique session.

Bob Evans, President, led the meeting.

Our March workshop leader, Bob Collins with his sculptures, is unable to come on our normal Tuesday. He’s only able to come on Friday the 23rd. We agreed this would be OK.

Our bi-monthly Milford TV swap-out is coming up on Thursday, February 22nd from 6-8pm. We are taking down the “winter” show and putting up the “spring” show. The mural there is also gathering up steam. Anyone interested in working on the mural should go to the station and talk with Rob. It’s a community effort.

Thursday, March 1st is the next oil painting class with Carol Arnold.

Claflin Hill’s art show in conjunction with their music is going very well. They wrote us to talk about how much they love our art. They want us to do a better job of letting visitors know how to buy things. Lisa will make up a sign which provides that information, to hang on the panels.

The Art-Poetry show is doing well at the Worcester Public Library. In March it moves to the Blackstone library. Carol F suggested we talk with the Bellingham Library about it visiting there. Lisa will contact them.

We had a new member join us today – Giselle. Welcome, Giselle!

We talked about 52Frames.com and how it’s a free site that provides weekly photography challenges.

The Teen show is coming up. We had originally planned for this to be a selfie show but were not getting enough selfie submissions. Now it’ll be an open art show for all teens. In addition, BVAA members will submit “Massachusetts” themed artwork, to fill any leftover space in the gallery.

The Spring Show is coming up at Amazing Things in Framingham. Lisa will send a special announcement about that. She’ll provide Pam with a large-sized logo and write a press release. She’ll do different wording on each location’s posting so we can figure out where Evensi is sourcing its feed from us.

AuthorStock is coming up next weekend. Lisa will send a special announcement and distribute flyers. This is a great opportunity for us to make money, as all proceeds from the two days at Barnes & Noble in Millbury go to us.

Carol F would like for us to do a ‘procrastinator color chart’ / open paint some Saturday.

Carole P suggested a show idea for next year – a “Fakes and Forgeries” show.

There’s a bus trip to NYC coming up for $55 to see amongst other things the show with the American Watercolor Society. Lisa has sent news about this previously to the group and will send it again.

Michelle Benjamin talked about setting up a loom display / workshop at our gallery some day and also is interested in Muriel’s fabric classes, once we set those up. Muriel will be planning those once she gets back from her winter vacation.

Carol F discussed how she prices her artwork at $1 per square inch plus the frame cost. Pam prices hers at a cost per hour plus frame.

The critique session was great fun, and several of us stayed there talking until 9pm!

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