Open Call for Rhode Island Area Portuguese Artists

The Bristol Art Museum has an open call for Portuguese Artists in the Rhode Island area for March 2018.

Here are the details of that call. Please share with any artists you might know who fit this category.

Open Call for Rhode Island Area Portuguese Artists
“Arte Corajosa – Celebrating Portuguese Creativity: Courageous Art”

Posted by: Bristol Art Museum
Deadline: Sun, March 18th, 2018

The Bristol Art Museum is issuing a call to RI and Southeast New England artists for “Arte Corajosa, Celebrating Azorean Creativity: Courageous Art”.

All 2-D and 3-D media will be considered, with the exception of video and site specific installations. Deadline for online entry is 11:49pm March 18, 2018. Hand Delivered works only.

The juror is Nancy Whipple Grinnell, Curator Emerita at the Newport Art Museum, where she served for 18 years. Grinnell’s curatorial strength is in her ability to see quality in diversity. Her curatorial work at the Newport Art Museum was always distinctive, adventurous and fresh bringing the museum admiration and respect. Nancy is known for finding and promoting artists creating quality work whether they are well known or not.


The submission fee is $20 for four entries.

Selected work will be on exhibit at The Bristol Art Museum, 10 Wardwell Street, Bristol, RI from June 15th – August 26, 2018. A free, public reception for the artists will be held Friday June 15, 6:30 – 8:30p.m.

Here is a direct link to info on the Bristol Art Museum website:

Here is a link to the Facebook event:

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