March 2017 Monthly Meeting – Batik Watercolor with Bonnie Frederiko

Our March 2017 meeting will be a demonstration of Batik Watercolor with Bonnie Frederiko.

As always, our monthly meeting will be held at the:
Northbridge Senior Center
20 Highland Street
Whitinsville, MA 01590

Our monthly meetings are open to the public and are supported in part by grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

Our monthly meetings traditionally begin with about a half-hour of reviewing upcoming events and sharing member news. Then we go into the actual demo or workshop.

From Carol F:
I think we have enough paint and brushes and she will bring some of the materials. Everyone will need a .05 permanent micro pen. We will need water containers, paper towels, and masking tape. If members have a #8 watercolor or acrylic brush please bring it along. You may also want to bring your own watercolors if you have them, they may be better then what we have. Bonnie will sell you a brush and pen for $16 if you need them. Her sample piece is done in pinks but she will have us do it in yellow so we will have submissions for the Sunflower show (our August show at the Booklovers’ Gourmet). It might be interesting to do a wall of all the same image.

Bonnie would like a head count, so if you are planning on attending please let us know, so we will have the proper

Here’s some photos of the finished works!


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