Mark your calendar for the Third Annual Sutton Art Festival being held on Saturday, June 3rd, 2017!
The show is open to the public from 10am to 3pm. BVAA members should aim to get there around 9am to help set up the tents. We will have two tents and ten panels, so bring 3-4 pieces each. Make sure they’re wired for hanging and they are fully labeled on the back. No need to tell us up front the titles. You can put a business card in the frame if you wish.
There’s no fee to participate. Our standard 20% commission on sales is waived if you hang out and lend a hand!
If you’re planning on hanging out we suggest you bring a chair and a bottle of water. They will have food available there for purchase. We definitely can use help with people hanging out and watching over the tents!
The show is held on the Sutton Common. To find this, look up the First Congregational Church at 307 Boston Road, Sutton MA. This is immediately on the common. There is ample parking in their parking lot.
The festival is held rain or shine. They have an indoor option – but the weather is looking lovely!
We have found in the past that images of Sutton itself do REALLY well – and bin art sells well as well. Definitely bring bin art if you have any!
People love to watch us paint and craft. If you’ve got an easel or other painting / drawing project, bring it along!
Share the news with family and friends – this is a great all-ages fair with crafts, art, books, and more!
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