Hopedale Day in the Park 2016


2016 will be Hopedale’s 37th Annual Day in the Park celebration! It all takes place on Saturday, September 17th, 2016.

The BVAA has an informational booth at this day-long festival. All BVAA members are invited to bring in art to hang on our panels. This is an informal art show meant to help visitors learn more about the BVAA. We do get sales and there’s no cost to participate. This is a “pop-up” style event where we bring everything in in the morning, set it up, hang out for the day, and then take it down again.

Official festival times are 10am to 4pm and that means we should be ready for visitors for that period. So we should set up at 9am. Usually it’s quiet by 3:30pm and we can start taking down early to be done by 4pm.
Please let us know if you’re able to participate, how many pieces you’d like to bring, and if you could watch the booth for a period of time. There is no charge to participate in our booth and we do make sales, especially of bin art.

You can bring up to three small works to hang. The hanging items must be properly wired (no saw-toothed hangers). Additionally you can bring as much bin art as you wish. If you have a bin please bring that along! Otherwise we share. The standard BVAA 20% commission applies to sales here, to help cover the cost of the booth. There’s no need to use the online submission form for this, since we aren’t doing labels. Just email us to let us know how many hanging items you’re bringing so we know how many panels to bring.

SEPARATE FROM THAT, Hopedale itself has an art show which is a key part of the Day in the Park Celebration. It is the Hopedale Cultural Council which holds this art show. All submissions to participate in their art show must be done ON PAPER by filling out a form and mailing it in to them. They have to get the form in their hands by September 10, 2016. So plan ahead! They don’t need to see JPGs of the entries or anything like that. You just send them the titles, prices, and so on along with a check. You then show up that morning with the artwork to enter in the show. Again this is a one-day pop-up show under a tent. You bring your artwork in in the morning, it goes on display, it gets judged, prizes are awarded, and you take it home in the evening.

Pickup at the big main art show tent is by 4pm so they expect that tent to be wholly clear by 4pm.

Here’s the entry form!

Hopedale 2016 Day in the Park Art Show Entry Form

For more information on the Hopedale Cultural Council visit here:


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