The slate of officers for the upcoming election is:
- President Bob Evans
- Vice President Lisa Shea
- Treasurer Carol Frieswick
- Secretary Carol Dandrade
- Corresponding Sec’y Becky Smith
- (With social networking by Lisa Shea and Bob Evans)
- Reception Committee Marie Cafferty
- Show Committee Pam Siderewicz
Members of the Board of Directors who are continuing their three year terms:
- Muriel Funka
- Karen Pendleton
- Marie Cafferty
Milford TV hanging and reception is 4/28
Claflin Orchestra
- 4/28 and 4/29 drop-off
- 4/30 concert
- 5/1 pickup between 8:00-10:00am
Premiere Gallery would like us to have another exhibit for photography only. Drop-off 5/25-27
Spring Show will be at the Blackstone Library. $20 for 3 pieces. They have cabinets for origami, etc.
Bob Evans is in contact with Whitinsville Antiques. They are interested in selling our art. It would be for a 3-month term. All works to be for sale and under $300. There will be a 30% commission. A selection process will have to be devised if more people are interested than there is room for.
Atria Draper in Hopedale is being considered for the Fall venue. Foot traffic is not good there.
Also being considered are Hopedale’s Christmas in July and their Fall Arts Festival.
Bonnie Coombs of the Blackstone Valley Heritage Corridor has asked BVAA to paint the tubes (for disposal of hooks and lures) at Riverbend Farm.
Next year’s meetings
We will hold regular meetings in September, November, January, March and May.
There are no meetings in the summer.
The Board brainstormed ideas for possible programs.
BVAA has over $9000 in the club account.
Our current membership is 61.
We will begin an Artist of the Month program starting in September. Bob Evans will be the first to be spotlighted. He will provide an expanded bio and include his vision for the upcoming year.
We will start an Alumni Page and give each a Lifetime Member Certificate.
Pot Luck
The main dish will be ordered from Oliva’s.
Attendees will be asked to bring an appetizer or dessert and a beverage.