Shaw Farm Photo Shoot

The weather is looking great, so we are a GO for the Shaw Farm Photo Shoot on Friday, March 18th at 5-6pm in Sutton MA!

Here is where we will be meeting up:


Please bring good solid walking shoes and appropriate clothing – the barn is in rough shape and there is broken glass.

Coming from 146:

Take the Central Turnpike exit (exit 7) in Sutton and head west. This will be left if you’re on 146N and right if you’re on 146S. The intersection with Putnam Hill Road is just over three miles down. It’s where the Blue Jay Restaurant used to be, if you know the area. Take the right onto Putnam Hill Road, and then the right onto Shaw Lane.

Drive all the way up to the top of the hill, turn around, and then park on the right side (the north side) of the road facing back toward Putnam Hill Road. That way we can try to keep the cars out of our photos.

It should be an interesting field trip!

Let us know if you have any questions.

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