Art Poetry 2019 – Patty Cahill and Danielle Redden

For our 2019 Art & Poetry pairing, one pairing was with poet Danielle Redden and artist Patty Cahill.

Here are the works they created!

Patty Cahill provided this artwork to Danielle:

In response, Danielle wrote the following poem:

Silver Lake

If your soul yearns for refuge from the noise of the day,
Journey into the woods, you may find Silver Lake.

Encircled by a quiet grove
of Guardians, ever ready
to welcome in hearts that rove,
Sojourning unsteady.

Take heed then, of the wind’s inquiry:

“Why linger amongst chaos until twilight breaks?
Journey into the woods, you may find Silver Lake.”

Water frozen in time
between winter and spring,
sparks rumors of benign
Healing it will bring.

Come closer old friend, hear testimony true:

I had lived void of peace whilst my whole body ached,
Till I journeyed to the woods and found Silver Lake.

The second half of this pairing involved Danielle giving Patty a poem as a starting point. Danielle provided this poem:


Cry out clever soul! Till your lungs runs raw.
Olympus has fallen and mired we are
beneath these that are shadows of what they seem,
Plagued by waves of imagery promising
freedom through hands gagged by string.

Strung by perfection unmet,
knotted limbs go limp.
Myself, the marionette.
Imperfection shan’t dilute
a love that transcends
an infinite space of stars.
I was
Laid bare in broken glass
Casting scars of shadow.
Though arid once of the
Fount of life,
Barren no more. For
I am not what I do.

Where expectation begets condemnation,
colored Grace-light cuts loose the cord.
And bits of heaven are to be gleaned
from stardust in the eyes of him
who claims restoration evermore.

In response, Patty provided this artwork:

2019 Art-Poetry Pairing main page