Worcester Public Library Art Space

The Worcester Public Library offers a wonderful way for artists to be seen by thousands of visitors to their library. The art is presented in locked cases and is safe from gooey little children’s fingers :). There are two areas involved in the art display.

First, at the center of the first floor by the information desk, is a space with two rows of two long, flat cases each. Behind them are two tall, vertical cases against the wall. Here’s looking at the group of six cases from the front right.


Here’s looking at these same six cases from the front left.


Now we’re standing in between the rows of “floor cases” and looking just at one case row with the vertical ones beyond it.


And again another angle from in between the rows of floor cases.


OK now we are moving to the main entrance of the library, located by the parking lot. In this area there are two standing vertical cases and two floor (horizontal) cases. First, the vertical case to the left of the entrance as you’re heading in, which is on its own.



Opposite this case are a pair of floor / horizontal cases along with another vertical case against a wall.


Here’s a close-up view of the two floor cases in this area.



So all told there are four tall / vertical cases and six floor / horizontal cases available for the art display. The art-and-poetry show will have 36 total artwork items paired with 36 poetry items. That will be an average of 3-4 art/poetry pairs per case. We will just need to make sure that we arrange for the taller pieces of art to go in those vertical units and for smaller pieces to go into the horizontal units.

It will be good for artists to think in terms of the sizes of these cases and not create massive mural-sized pieces :). On the other hand, they don’t have to go pendant-small, either. Somewhere in the middle will be good!

BVAA 2017 Art-and-Poetry pair-up
BVAA 2018 Art-and-Poetry pair-up

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