For our 2019 Art & Poetry pairing, one pairing was with poet Linda Tellier and artist Carole Plante.
Here are the works they created!
Carole Plante provided this artwork to Linda:
In response, Linda wrote the following poem:
Like a storm brewing on an open sea
The darkness grows inside of me
Waiting, wishing, hoping, praying
Borrowing, begging, fighting, slaying.
The gut knows what the mind refuses
The heart is torn. It never chooses.
The moment comes, knocks at the door
Emotions spill upon the floor.
Through the tears it’s hard to see
I open the letter and it opens me
I die again a little more
But I’ll rise again as I have before.
Sad news.
The second half of this pairing involved Linda giving Carole a poem as a starting point. Linda provided this poem:
A Gathering of Souls
In morning fog and the winter cold
I saw the gathering of many souls whose songs
are sung in stone and carried by the ravens to places yet unknown
In the dampness and the chill,
I stood bare and yearned to hear their secrets.
New tears, old scars, memories I buried with them.
Grief, love, loss, joys, terrors, saints.
In response, Carole provided this artwork:
2019 Art-Poetry Pairing main page