Membership – Thank You

Thank you for joining the Blackstone Valley Art Association!

Members receive regular updates via email and also on our website covering:

* details of upcoming meetings and guest demonstrators
* news of upcoming shows and exhibitions both regionally and nationally
* member news (exhibits and awards)
* events sponsored by the association such as workshops, field trips, and art shows.

Being a BVAA member is a wonderful opportunity to meet and socialize with artists of varying skill levels and mediums. Many of our members are highly accomplished and belong to such organizations as the Academic Artist Association, Rockport Art Association, North Shore Art Association, Hudson Valley Art Association, Rhode Island Watercolor Society, and American Watercolor Society to name a few. Members works have also been featured in American Artist Magazine and The Best of Oil Painting.

We would also invite you to follow us on FaceBook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Please send your dues to the address below:

Blackstone Valley Art Association
P.O. Box 136
Whitinsville, MA 01588

If you wish to send in a check, here is an easy-to-print version of our form to go with it: BVAA Membership Form – Printable Version



you can pay via PayPal using the link below. This does not require a PayPal account – you can use any credit card. Just click on the box below, select Adult or Student, and follow the instructions for pay with a debit or credit card…


Membership dues

If you have any questions or comments please Contact Us.

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