Gallery – Anne McNevin

This gallery is for BVAA member Anne McNevin.

Artist’s Statement

Photography has allowed me to explore and see my surroundings in ways that I hadn’t done without my trusty camera. By taking pictures over a period of time, I’ve been able to discover patterns of deterioration and renewal.

I love the residue left in places that have been rarely inhabited for a period of time, as well as the evidence of how it might be currently used. The leftover traces in these areas reveal a wealth of information about what was loved and well used. I drive and walk around looking for evidence of personality, creativity and humor that have been inserted into neighborhoods by the people who inhabit them.

I’ve also developed an interest in photomontage, using it to elaborate on themes of change, mood and internal perspectives. These are developed by combining the written word and scanned objects with my photos, which may contain other images already layered in through the use of Photoshop.

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