Happy April!
Spring is finally here, and it’s the perfect time to get out and explore your creativity. Here’s just a few things the Blackstone Valley Art Association is up to for April!
April Meeting – Tue Apr 19th – How to Photograph Art
Our monthly meetings are always open to the public! BVAA member Al Weems has generously offered to lead us on Tue Apr 19th through how to take high quality photographs of 2D and 3D non-photographic art. He’ll cover lighting, angles, and other important aspects to keep in mind. If you bring your camera you can practice along with him! It’s free and open to both members and non-members alike, so spread the word.
Milford TV Station – Green / Spring Show Reception
On Thursday, April 28th we’ll be doing the reception for the current “Green / Spring” show at the Milford TV station. Come on out to see the art and chat with the artists! The evening runs from 6-8pm.
Claflin Hill – American Dreamscapes
Our next Claflin Hill concert art show is coming up on Saturday, April 30th. The music will feature American Dreamscapes music! Get your tickets and enjoy an evening of beautiful music and lovely art!
Sutton Plein Air – May 21 with Gerard Blouin
We’ve got only a few spots left for our plein air session with Gerard Blouin in Sutton, MA on Saturday, May 21st. The event is free for BVAA members and residents of Sutton – for others it’s $35. Artwork created at the plein air will then be showcased at the Sutton art festival two weeks later. Please let us know soon if you’d like to participate!
BVAA Member and Alumni Survey
Whether you’re a present member or a past one, we’d love to have you fill out a survey on your artistic goals! It’ll only take three minutes and you’ll be eligible to win a gift certificate from Michael’s!
Public BVAA Newsletter Archives
These public BVAA newsletters are maintained in an online archive. If you miss one, you can always find it online!
Follow Us!
We are active on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Flickr. All the links are in the footer of this message. Please follow us and let us know what types of posts you’d like to see.
We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events! Please forward this newsletter to family and friends to share the news!
The Blackstone Valley Art Association