For our 2017 Art & Poetry pairing, one pairing was with artist Frank Robertson and poet Lisa Shea.
Here are the works they created!
Frank provided this painting to Lisa:
In response, Lisa wrote the following poem:
Swirls of color.
Salmon, violet, blonde,
twists of cornflower blue,
flutters of lavender.
Incandescent light
glows from the
curl of a petal.
The shine in bright eyes.
The warmth of a smile.
Playful joy
shimmers in each ruffled flower,
in the sparkle
of a woman
who has found
The second half of this pairing involved Lisa giving Frank a poem as a starting point. Lisa provided this poem:
Like soft, billowing moss in
gold, rust, and deepest crimson,
the autumn foliage nestles around
the mirror-still lake.
Shafts of white birch –
earth-locked craggy lightning –
are crowned with a glow
as if a thousand amber-hued
prayer flags
fluttered in the gentle breeze.
An ancient fallen log
settles more deeply into the Earth,
nurturing the soil.
Cascades of turkey tail mushrooms
blanket its length.
A cloud drifts.
A heron calls.
Frank then added this line:
Her mate responds.
In response, Frank also created this painting:
2017 Art-Poetry Pairing main page