Art – Poetry – Dennis Smith and Liz Decaf

For our 2017 Art & Poetry pairing, one pairing was with artist Dennis Smith and poet Liz Decaf.

Here are the works they created!

Dennis provided this artwork to Liz:

Dimensions: 13″ x 16″

In response, Liz wrote the following poem:


we gather
   trusted companions
   intertwined souls
partners in crime

we talk

we soak up the sun
   every ray,
   every beam of hope
   bottling up the light
   to hold onto in the darkness

we are quiet feminists,
   whispering of change

we enact change
   by our existence

we persist.

The second half of this pairing involved Liz giving Dennis a poem as a starting point. Liz provided this poem:

rain sticks

fingers outstretched and spinning, spinning
rain pirouetting on eyelashes and arabesque
drip-drop to puddles drumming beats into the

muted notes of slipping aquatic
songs that line the pages of the

and the world keeps spinning, spinning
madly on, to piece of mind and peace of
quiet, a crescendo to the

lullabies from the clouds, piano
to earthen tones beneath your

and your words will keep on spinning, spinning
out of ashen skies and mellowed harmonies,
chords to rest then hold, rest and hold –

In response, Dennis painted this image:

Dimensions: 13″ x 16″

2017 Art-Poetry Pairing main page