This art gallery is for BVAA member Bonnie Frederico.
Artist’s Statement
I have been an avid decorative painter since 1973. I began a career as a math teacher but soon established a business and began teaching painting.
I was born and raised in a beautiful New England town where I still live with my husband and three married daughters. From early childhood, I wanted to paint, even to just help paint my family home. As years passed my enthusiasm didn’t change. Taking art classes in high school and college didn’t send me on my way instead I became a math teacher. My ability to teach others led me into the decorative art field and in 1994 passed by C.D.A certification. I have studied with Mary Jo Leisure MDA, Ann Kingslan MDA, Peggy Stogdill MDA and Sonja McKenzie. Each of whom has influenced my style.
Besides classes taught from my home studio “The Sellar Shop”, I exhibit at local conventions and teach classes at the SDP Convention, Hoot Convention and the NET (New England Traditions) Convention in Providence. I have written painting and colored pencil packets, articles for the Decorative Painter and other painting magazines.