September 21, 2010 Meeting Minutes

2nd October, 2010

Welcome to the October edition of the Blackstone Valley Art Association Newsletter News

Please check out our new website at

New member galleries!

Please email any images you want published to together with a few short words and we will add them in!

New Images Fall Art Show and Sale is at Restaurant 3, Route 140, Franklin, MA on 6th November from 11AM to 9 PM.
Franklin Art Association, 279 East Central Street, PMB #289, Franklin, MA 02038

If you have any other news that you would like included please email us the details at


September 25, 2010

Blackstone Valley Art Association September 21, 2010 meeting minutes.

Compiled by Mike Zeis, Recording Secretary. Submitted 9/25/2010.

The meeting was held in Art Creations in Hopedale.

Demonstrator: Stephen Lombardi
Painter Stephen Lombardi demonstrated oil-painting techniques during the meeting, working on a pair of sunflower paintings. He expects to complete each in about three to four hours on each. He pointed to two of his surreal or fantasy paintings, which he brought to show, and said that one was painted in 240 hours, while the other took 350 hours. Lombardi provided a few basics of how he works. “Paint dark to light,” he said. He also covers his whole canvas in white first. And he sketches with paint. (In other words, he does not block out areas of the canvas with charcoal or pencil.)

Business Meeting:

1. The following officers were nominated and elected with 15 “Yes” votes, zero “No” votes:
President: Michelle King
Vice President: Laura Cenedella
Treasurer: Carol Frieswick
Recording Secretary: Mike Zeis
Corresponding Secretary: Bob Evans

2. For the November Show, four venues were mentioned:
Alternatives in Uxbridge,
Art Creations in Hopedale,
the Worcester Craft Center, and
St. Ann’s Culture Center in Woonsocket.

Most of the discussion consisted of a report from Carol Frieswick and Mike Zeis, who visited the facility August 30. The club agreed to hold the November Show at St. Ann’s, with the expected dates of November 27 and November 28, concurrent with the St. Ann’s Winter Carnival. (Set up in the evening of November 26. Judging on the morning of November 27. Art-work pick-up and exhibit tear-down on November 28.) Mike Zeis was to contact Walter Rathburn, Executive Director, and request a contract and arrange for payment. (Walter has guided us to the web site, Because of the venue and the timing, the November BVAA show will not have an opening reception. The BVAA will collect a commission on sales at the show (30%?), and artists will pay an entry fee. The show will be a members-only show. Carol Frieswidk stressed the importance the membership helping to make the show happen. A sign-up list was passed around.

3. Carol Frieswick suggested that we consider a full-day workshop with oil-painter John Kilroy, who has painted with the Putney Painters (an invitation-only painting group in Putney Vermont, led by Richard Schmid and Nancy Guzik). Fees would be in the neighborhood of $35 for club members. The session would be open to non-members.

4. Inez Gornall will investigate a “paint-out” at Val’s property in Millville.

5. Karen Pendleton and Laura Cenedella described a workshop they are planing to hold at the Trailside Lodge in North Stratford NH. Among the workshop topics will be landscape and portrait painting and working with pastels. The Trailside Lodge has accommodations ranging from shared rooms to full condos, at prices ranging from $70 to $150.